There's nothing like a first kiss 2004-11-19 10:35 p.m. This might be my first "official" entry.

As seen here I am coming here for a new beginning of sorts. A new place to talk and think and not have to dig into deep places (my archives) and see all the stupid stuff I've done. Not to say I still won't do stupid stuff because I know I will.......

I am physically exhausted tonight and will be hitting the hay here in a few. I had two days of a headache and it made me cancel stuff I really wanted to do, places I wanted to go and people I really wanted to see. I had to cancel out on my last class of "The Purpose Driven Life" that I am taking with a group of 9 other people. I took everything over there a few hours before the class started and gave it to Sallie. I had made little thank you type of cards for each person with a personal handwritten note inside about how much that person meant to me. I also enclosed a pocket card of my favorite bible verse, Jeremiah 29:11. I wanted to be there to see them open it but alas my head was telling me otherwise. I spoke with Sallie last night and she said everybody was emotional about it. She even got emotional telling me about it. She said she wished I was there to see it. I wish I was too. But at 7 PM I was home in bed.

Then yesterday afternoon the headache wouldn't let ME win so I had to cancel out on a meeting I was scheduled to be at. I barely made it through my 8-hour shift. After I got off work, I went and laid down again. My head doesn't pound as much when I am laying down.

Today wasn't much better but at least I didn't have a headache. I had one of those days where I felt like I took a few steps back from this progression I am attempting to make. It just goes to show I am human and that this journey will not be easy. But I have faith I can do it.

Tomorrow morning at 9 AM we are going to our church and help pack bags of food for needy families. Some people from my PDL class are helping too. This is such a wonderful thing to do. To give people a Thanksgiving when they may not have had one otherwise. And I think it will be good for Cassidy to do, she needs to see there are people out there WAY less fortunate than she. That kid doesn't want for anything. She needs to see that some people can't even afford food, much less the newest gameboy, the most stylish clothes or the latest gadget to hit the market. That girl can stand to learn a thing or two (or 5000).

Then in the afternoon I am meeting a friend of mine from work, Danette, and her daughter Charasten for a movie. We are going to see "The Incredibles". I think it looks cute and I've heard it is good from people who have seen it. This is also something I'd never do, invite people to do things like that with us. But she's a single mom herself and I'm sure enjoys spending time with somebody other than her kid. So I am looking forward to that. Part of my plan.......make more friends and then actually hang out with them. Make committments to them and actually keep them. A new concept to me. But one I'm willing to explore.

And now that my eyes are burning like hell and I'm falling asleep here, I will retire to my bedroom and dream of all things good.


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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!