Don't sweat the small stuff 2004-11-23 7:47 p.m. What a night!

Just getting home from the fundraiser/soup supper we did for a mother at our school. We served hot dogs and I was the "bun lady" which was a very good job for me, as many of you may know, I have big buns. We just plum ran out of everything by the end of the two hours, except for desserts.

What was so sad was this mother who is in her very early 40s is losing her battle to breast cancer. She has six months to live. And she leaves behind two beautiful little girls, 2nd grade and 4th grade. How sad is that? She looked really good. She has lost a lot of weight but that is to be expected.

So after I was done serving I went and sat down to eat my bowl of chili with another mom who had helped serve. This family came and sat down next to us. Then the mom came over to me and said "Joey???????" I said yes and she told me who she was. OMG! We used to detassle together when I was in 9th grade!!!!!!!!!!! That's how long it's been since I've talked to her. Unbelieveable. So we chatted for a bit and I asked her how she knew the mom that we had the supper for and she said that she was the personal attendant in her wedding. Then she started crying and said she wouldn't make it through the supper without losing it. Poor thing. I felt so bad for her. It was nice to catch up though.

So as I was walking out I thought to myself, dammit Joey your problems are so insignificant compared to what this family is going through. So quit feeling sorry for yourself. Your daughter will have a mother for a very long time. Stuff is just that, stuff. At least I am healthy. Every once in a while I gotta just get a good kick in the ass. And tonight I got that.

Bankruptcy was filed today. Have to wait until the second week in January to go to the hearing. Then it should still be a few months after that until it's all said and done. I guess the hard part is over with now. Still stressful though, that's for sure!

I plan on moving out of this place mid January or so. I'm really looking forward to getting out of here and into something cheaper. It will be smaller yes, but I guess I can look at it like less to clean!!!!! So I do have that to look forward to. Who wants to move in the freezing cold in January? Not me! But then again, at least I have my health to move, my health to work and afford to pay my bills. Many people can't say that. So I'll just try to quit my whining now..........

We're so close to Thanksgiving now. Absolutely unbelieveable. Seems like just yesterday it was Thanksgiving and Jax and I were making the perfect turkey (Frank) and giggling and laughing and having a great time together for the first time. Unreal how far we've come since then. Lots of highs and lows. I'm going to miss her this year, fixing our turkey together, making the rest of the fixings and other such things. She has to stay home and help take care of her secretary who was in a bad motorcycle accident a few weeks ago. But it's all good, I still may get to see her on Saturday. We'll see. If not I'll be sad.

I have to work on Thanksgiving actually from 9 AM to 1 PM and then I will be on call until 6 AM on Thursday. In a way, I'm sorta of sad that I'll be alone for a few days over the weekend (Wed night - Friday night) but in a way I"m also looking forward to it. It will be a good time to get my housecleaning finished, then curl up with a good book, a nice cozy blanket and maybe a cup of hot chocolate. I guess we'll see !!!!

I think I'll start doing this, I'm going to post like what I was going through last year at this time. It will really make me reflect on how much I have changed. So here year ago......

Well only like 3 or 4 more days till my boo gets here for Thanksgiving !! I'm real excited about it. We've been talking about it lots and making our plans. I cant wait !!!!!!!! So this weekend I've been cleaning and doing stuff like that to get ready for it. I'm hoping it will just be lots of laughing, having fun, hanging out and just being crazy. That's what I hope. And I'm sure it will. I think at this point we BOTH need a break......from everything. You know, life in general lol.

So.......Bachelor Bob picked Estella. In the end I wanted her to win anyways. I don't know Kelly Jo just started annoying me. Maybe a bit too immature for Bob. The only thing I'm pissed out is the fact that Bob picked Estella and not me lol. Okay I know I wasn't on the show but dammit Bob if it doesn't work out with Estella you know where you can find me ;) (hehehehe)

Well that's all I really want to talk about for now, lots going on but not enough time to talk about it.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!