You better be putting platinum in that kid's mouth! 2004-12-01 9:16 p.m. Ahhhhhh where was I???? Oh yes, the ever fascinating world that is orthodontia.

I have now realized I am in the wrong profession. Let me break it down for ya and you'll see why.......

So after taking Cass a few weeks ago to have every kind of picture known to man taken of her teeth, I went back yesterday for the bad news.....

I sat down with the Orthodontist and her assistant, looked at all the pics on the computer and it went like this.......

Option A - Taking her back to her regular dentist where they will remove the rest of her baby teeth, cut the gum tissue to allow for her molars to come in and then get to work. After healing 1-2 weeks from THAT, then back to the orthodontist's office where she will have these plastic little thingies called "spacers" or some damn things placed between the teeth and kept there for a few weeks while they take impressions and custom make her "arches". She will have a wire arch on the top and the bottom. these attach to her six year molars and they are wires that go on the bottom and the top of her mouth behind her teeth. She gets fitted for them and they get put on. Braces on the front 4 teeth on the top and the bottom four. Then we're talking wires, rubber bands, doo dads, thingamabobs and anything else metal they can shove in there. For real, I would be hesitant to let that kid NEAR the microwave. Probably the best option yes, but Cass would do absolutely horrible going through all of this.
Price of option A - $2,950. And that does not include all the work at her regular dentist. 25% down the day they do it, and $135 a month until it's paid off.

Option B - Just using the "arches" and letting the baby teeth come out on their own. The arches won't correct anything, they will just prevent any more damage being done. She will still have to have some gum tissue cut away. More a "watch and see" game, letting teeth fall out and come in as they may.
Price for Option B - $575 per arch. Grand total $1,150. Again 25% down and $135 a month until it's paid off.

Option C - Nothing.

Option C isn't even an option.

So I got all the information, asked a bunch of questions and then headed home to make the dreaded phone call to her father to let him know what was what and also the fact that I will NOT be paying for this by myself. He wants to go with Option B. It's cheaper (of course that's what he's looking at) and also he doesn't want to put his daughter though everything. Even the orthodontist said she had concerns about Option A. If it was any other kid, no problem. But Cass is a bit more sensitive and fearful when it comes to this stuff.

So I told Corey we have a few months to decide, as financially there is just NO way I can afford anything right now. So he said he'd talk it over with his wife, call the orthodontist and talk to her about it (moron was supposed to come to the appt with me but, that would consist of us being in the same room together and he ain't having that) and he'll check into his dental insurance and things and then we'll talk about it after the first of the year and when the holidays are over. So I guess I have a little time to decide....

It sucks big time but unfortunately it's one of those things in life you have to do. If we never did anything with her teeth they would be a huge mess. So not doing anything isn't even a consideration here.

So, as I was saying, I totally picked the wrong profession. These dentists are making hand over fist man. Damn!

And now I'm tired and I think I will go to bed now. Typing all that out just stressed me out!


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A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!