Something to look forward to 2004-12-02 5:40 p.m. *Does the happy dance*

I got an apartment...........I got an apartment.......(in a sing song voice while doing the cabbage patch)

Yeahhhhh good day today. I decided to call this place that had apartments. I had looked at one a few months back but it was on the second floor and up very steep wood stairs and it would have been next to impossible to move in to. So I kinda forgot about them.

Then today, something was just telling me to call them again. When I had looked at the other apartment some new buildings were going up. So I called out of the blue just to see when they would be done being built and ready to move into. My plan was to move mid January, as I have to be out of my house by January 27th. So I called and the secretary told me they would be ready to move into January 1st. What the hell was the chances of that????? So my mom came and picked me up after I got off work and we went and looked at one of them. Fell in L-O-V-E with them. We looked at four different apartments, two on the bottom and two on the top. LOVED the top ones as the living rooms had cathedral ceilings but it just wasn't feasible for me. I hate lugging crap up and down stairs. My mother, who for some reason felt the need to speak in third person the whole time, loved the apartment too. "Well you know, your mother wouldn't be able to walk up and down these stairs all the time" "Your mother would want to dust that way up there" The funniest thing was was when we were in one of the upstairs apartments she said "well if you take a second floor apartment I won't be coming over real often because I can't climb all those steps" (she has lupus among other things) to which I said "Damn! I think I'll take a top apartment then!!!!!!!!" Of course I was kidding and she did laugh when I said it but damn that kinda sounds like a good idea haha....

Speaking of my mother, I was talking to my therapist a little bit the other day about some stuff and mention of my mom came up. I told her with all my "mother issues" I could stay in therapy for a whole year and then laughed. She got really quiet. Almost like the wheels were turning.

Geez, back to the apartment thing! So I picked out my apartment and off we were to go back to the office. These apartments are so new they aren't even finished yet!!! They got the tile laid down and today looks like it was electrical work. Guys were shoving wires in the walls and one guy was hanging a little chandelier for over the table. None of the walls are painted, the doors aren't even on and there is no carpeting even. But, they have almost a month to get it done so it's all good.

So we went back to the office where I filled out the lease and put down a $495.00 security deposit. These people are very friendly and nice. So she tells me that the ad went into the paper just yesterday and today was the first day they were showing the building. How ironic is that?? I don't read the paper so I had no idea. I mean if that isn't the man upstairs working then I don't know what! She put my name on the apartment on the piece of paper and I am proud to announce I am the FIRST person to get into the building!!!! Which means my apartment will be priority as far as getting done. But believe me, as nice as those apartments are and the price they are asking for rent, they will have them all rented in no time!

This is just what I needed for my life. I've known for quite some time now that I need to head in a different direction but it was so hard for so long because I wasn't sure when I was moving, wasn't sure when all the lawyer crap was going to be done, yada, yada, yada and now I have a moving date and I have an approximate date of when my lawyer stuff will be done too! Meaning, I have things to look forward to now. My good days are totally outnumbering the bad and that's a great start. In fact, I'm PMSing right now as we speak and I haven't been bitchy at all! Fiesty? Yes! But not bitchy! And not all whining and emotional and stuff like I can be. Of course there's always tomorrow lol but tomorrow is going to be a good day!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!