Blast from the past 2004-12-07 8:49 p.m. Tonight was definitely a change of pace in my life! I went and picked up the girls from school (I pick up two other kids, Michelle and Race - brother and sister since their mom works across the street from me) and we went and ran some errands and then went back up to the school around 4:00 or so. The games started at 4:15. Girls basketball. Very interesting. For some reason I remember being way better at that age. I'm sure I wasn't, but you know at that age you think you're great. I do recall being FAR more aggressive at getting rebounds and such. Especially fouls. I had a few times in my career (all 3 years of it haha) when I fouled out. Even from a young age Joey loved going for the ball!!!!! (take that how you may hehehe)

Anyway.......we watched the "B" team which are the least experienced girls you could say. They didn't do so well. But it was still fun nonetheless. Then the "A" team (I pity the fool who don't watch the A Team) and they were much better.

You know you're old when the coaches of your team are younger than you and one of the refs you went to high school with. He has really changed. Used to be kinda built and a bit hot in high so much.
He had a bit of a beer belly (and believe me if he's still like he was in high school it's ALLLLLLLLL beer) and his head was shaved. From what I saw of his hairline, he shaved it all off cuz if he still had hair, he'd be pretty bald on top. How funny is that??? People I went to high school with (and he's a year younger than me mind you) going bald. Damn I feel so old today!

Speaking of blasts from the past..........on the way home from picking up the girls my radio station had this contest where they play the intro to a song and you call in and guess it and win a prize or something. Well I didn't hear it but as soon as they started playing the WHOLE song I flipped the hell out man! Does anybody remember "It Takes Two" by Rob Base and DJ Easy Rock? OMG if you've never heard it, download it NOW! I L-O-V-E-D that song in high school. And I am proud to say that 16 or 17 years later this hot mama STILL knows all the words!!!! The girls were laughing at me when I was doin the white girl rap in the car. But come on, you can't hear that song and NOT rap!!!!! "I wanna rock right now, I'm Rob Base and I came to get down, I"m not internationally known but I'm known to rock the microphone......."

On to sadder news......a few weeks ago I helped serve at a soup supper for a mother of some students at my daughter's school who was dying of breast cancer. Well she lost her fight last night. She was so young too. Late 30s or early 40s, I can't recall but I know she was young. Two little "babies" in my mind she left behind, 3rd and 4th grade I believe. I can't even imagine. I know that if something like that happened to me my daughter would be devastated. Her and I are very close. She'd be messed up for the rest of her life if she lost me, especially so young. And hell, I'm 32 years old and my mom is 57 years old and I'd be DEVASTATED if I lost her now. Funny how you think your parents never age but then you turn around and your mom and dad are almost 60. These girls are so much younger than I, I can't even imagine.

Goodbye and rest in peace Geralyn, you are in a BETTER place now!

Okay on to something less depressing.....I've been hearing this song on the radio lots lately and whenever I sing the words, it reminds me of what I'm going through right now and gives me inspiration. I know you've all heard it, they only play it every 5 minutes. But it rocks.

"I Don't Want To Be" by Gavin DeGraw

I don't want to be

Anything other than what I've been trying to be lately

All I have to do

Is think of me and I have peace of mind

I'm tired of looking 'round rooms

Wondering what I've got to do

Or who I'm supposed to be

I don't want to be anything other than me

It's been a whirlwind day around here. And now I must go and read to Cass for a bit and then hit the hay as tomorrow is a new day............

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!