Just call me a movie star!!!! 2004-12-12 4:11 p.m. Kind of a short entry (maybe) but I'm starting to get ready for Cassidy's choir concert tonight. We got her a cute lil outfit and shoes, she's going to look so adorable when I'm done with her! I'm going to curl her hair up real nice!

So yesterday I watched "Raising Helen" and it was really cute. I happen to be a huge fan of Kate Hudson so I like just about anything she is in. Then I worked 3-11:30 last night which completely sucked. I had all kinds of computer issues, doctors paging me and bitching about stuff and me leaving my boss voicemails about stuff I needed to know about right away. She finally called me back a few hours later. I definitely wasn't the way I wanted to spend a Saturday night, but whatever. After I got off I pretty much went right to bed.

Then at 8:45 this morning I'm awakened out of a deep sleep with pounding on my front door. Over and over. I open it up and it's these two little neighbor boys who are probably all of 5 handing me my mail. Apparently my mail box blew over and my mail went flying. Even though they annoy the hell out of me, I was glad they got it for me. Who knows where it would have been since it's pretty darn windy here today. Yesterday they came to my door wanting to sell candy for money. The candy consisted of partially wrapped chocolates from god knows when which were being held in a torn up old shoe box. And they had chocolate on their faces so I'm guessing they were taking a dip out of the candy as well. I politely said no and they were on their way. Then the other day I was getting my mail before I went to get Cass from school and one of them came over with a toy gun and stood in my driveway and "shot" at me. He wouldn't move. So eventually I had to say "I'm going to back out now" and then he finally left. What odd kids. My guess is their parents don't even know what these kids do or where they are half the time.

And my hottie neighbor Lonnie has a recliner in his driveway. Why you may ask??? Well I have no clue. But I guess if I found out the answer to that one I'll let you know. What is even weirder than that is there is a microwave right next to it. I don't know, maybe he wants to be comfortable when he sits out side......and eat microwave popcorn. It's probably something very reasonable like he moved it out of there to bring in something different and he just hasn't hauled it away yet. But that's boring, I want it to be because of something really weird. Cuz I like the drama like that sometimes ya know.....

Today consisted of me not doing a whole lot. I watched some TV then got lunch and decided to watch "Mystic River". I have the DVD and have never seen it before. Weird huh? I bought the DVD without ever having seen it before. It was one of those wildly cheap DVD sales at my video store and I needed 4 so I got that one because I heard it was good and it won a ton of Oscars. LOVED the movie. Sean Penn won his oscar deservingly I think.

I then finished watching the rest of "3" on ESPN, the movie about Dale Ernhardt. It was pretty good. I didn't see all of it though so I guess I can't judge on the overall goodness or badness of it. But I do have one comment about it! I was IN that movie!!!!! You didn't see me???? It's okay, I didn't see me either, but I was there and that's good nuff for me!!!!! You see, I was at the February 1998 Daytona 500 where Dale Ernhardt won. And he spun those cookies in the infield right in front of me. And I even have pictures of him doing so. Then the next day we went to see the winning car on display at the Nascar museum thingie right by the track. And I have pics of that too. A fun time was definitely had by all. So anyways, I will now be saying I'm in that movie because in reality I was !!!!! They showed "real" footage of a lot of his races in the movie.

Well I gotta hit the showers now as Cass will be home soon so I gotta get myself showered and ready so she can do the same. Then it's out with the curling iron and creating an original Joey creation.

Wish her luck tonight ya'll. I know she'll do a great job!!!!!

Oh god I just realized I forgot to talk about John Mayer's new "TV" show on VH1, believe me, my opinion on that will be in my next entry!!!!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!