I"m all over the place today 2005-02-18 9:24 p.m. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so happy right now I could just cream oops I meant scream!!!!

So I spent all of an hour and a half on WinMx downloading ummmmmmm listening to music. And I found 17 Ryan Cabrera songs!!! And I may or may not have downloaded all 17 of them onto a CD!!!! What are you a cop????

For those of us in the room that aren't cops, I just burned 17 Ryan Cabrera songs and now I'm in heaven!!! He's definitely a very close 2nd to John Mayer for me. I mean, we all know my loyalty to John Mayer. But I'm telling ya, right now he's thisclose to him. The kicker here is one of my fantasies is to have John Mayer sing "Your Body is a Wonderland" to me in bed, clothes optional. So far I don't have that fantasy with Ryan. It may be because he's only like 20, or probably because he's banging Ashlee Simpson. But either way......

Oh so what's been going on with me? Well lots of stuff actually!!! Yesterday I was so damn tired I ate my supper in bed at 7:00. Yep, I was THAT tired!! I laid in bed all night and watched TV and by the time the clock hit 10:00 I was sound asleep! Yesterday I walked around like a zombie. I couldn't stay away all day which is unusual for me.

So everything is going great other than I woke up at god knows what time with a pillow underneath my ass. Don't know how it got there. Was I dreaming that I was getting it on in a dream and stuck a pillow under me? Who the hell knows. But regardless, I slept the night away and woke up this morning and looked at the clock......6:58 AM. FUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK. So I jump out of bed and call into work and tell them I'm sorry but I overslept. I looked at my clock. It was set for 4:41 PM. Yep, that's gonna help a whole helluva lot. So my day got started off late but I must say, I felt well rested this morning!!!

So I've been all weird and figety lately. I mean more than normal. Because we all know I'm just weird anyway. Anyway, I am just feeling anxious or something, I don't know. I'll be like a fart in a skillet and have to get up to do something only to run out of energy quickly and have to sit down. And I won't even get into the weird mac n cheese episode I had last night....I was stirring the ingredients into it and a bunch of them were all clumped together with the ends sticking up and I could see down into the end of the macaroni and it just freaked me out. That's a weird little thing I won't even go into.

I know, you are all running furiously for your phone books right now, wanting to call me a psychologist. It's okay, I'll wait right here till you get back.


Now that we got that out of the way, I haven't figured out yet what is causing me to be all weird like this. My mind is racing 100 miles a minute and I go to do something and I get distracted by something else and my heart is racing. I don't know. I know my blood sugar lately has been completely out of whack. That probably has something to do with it. In fact, I feel all weird right now and I had supper. Yes it was a frozen budget meal or something for 98 cents but dammit you can't turn down cheap food!!

Okay so let us explore and discuss the last sentence I just typed shall we??? It's Friday night, I am alone, and I ate a 98 cent frozen budget meal (four cheese alfredo to be exact) for supper. What's wrong with THAT picture??? Oh I know!!!

Hey Life, Joey called, she wants you back!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and one of my emails got read on The Jim Rome show today, although he didn't say my name which just pissed me off. Because I like to hear my name on national radio. I need to find a way to justify my self existence you know, and what better way than on a national sports talk radio show??? God please forgive me here. It was cool to hear him read it anyway.

So I'm convinced that Jaxon shrunk all my jeans. She washes everything in hot which just sucks because it shrinks everything. I can't even tell you how many shirts have been shrunk but whatever. Even my fat jeans are tight!!! I mean it's gotta be the hot water right? It can't possibly be the fact that I've gotten fatter and they don't fit can it??? Ahhh let's just blame it on the hot water okay? I won't tell if you don't!!!

So something that may be making me anxious is I am in the process of getting a trip together to a conference for a bunch of church ladies. Fun huh? Actually it is!!! But I'm the one making the calls, booking buses, printing up information, talking to groups and reserving hotel rooms. And I've never done anything like this before. So needless to say I'm just a bit more than stressed about that. But I know it will turn out fine and I'm so proud of myself for doing something like this....two years ago I wouldn't even leave the house much less go to church, talk to people from my church and want to actually go places with these people. So as they say "You've come a long way, baby".

Hell, two years ago I never left the house, spent all my waking hours on the computer, alienated my friends and family, never cleaned my house or left it for that matter.

You've come a long way, baby.

So in one of my "bursts" of energy today I decided to clean. Why you may ask? Well if I ever have an answer for you I'll type it here!!! I straightened up my living room, vacuumed, cleaned Cassidy's room (I had to, I lost a bet) wiped down all the counters in my kitchen, swept AND swiffered (Is that even a word??).

So basically what I am trying to say is that I have turned into a psychotic Alice from the Brady Bunch today.

I really need to go get my blood sugar checked.

Oh and Ryan Cabrera blaring out of my computer right now rocks my socks.

That is all.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!