Fun party pictures 2005-03-02 4:05 p.m. I am back and I have a butt load of pictures....

The night started out at the Library Lounge where we sat around, bullshitted and had ourselves a mighty fine meal. The scavenger hunt also started there with many numerous victims to our prey.

Here is my mom and stepdad looking ever so attentive and excited to be there

Here's a pic of me and a guy I went to high school with, Todd. I haven't seen him in a few years. He's married with I think one kid now, he's a good guy. Todd was a bit tanked I do believe because when he saw me he yelled "Joooooeeyyyyyyyy" and I went over there then he told my sister he'd help me with the scavenger hunt instead of them because we went to high school together and he hadn't seen me in 15 years. Ummmm Todd, I saw you probably a year or two ago but mmmmmkay...

So one of the things on the list was take a picture of a person with a mullet. Well how do you actually approach somebody with a mullet and ask them for their picture? So we spotted somebody, Jada asked her if she could take her picture with her and she said "why??" And I thought quickly on my feet and said "We need to take a pic with a stranger for our scavenger hunt". Well old mullet lady bought it *Dr. Evil laugh* and voila, this picture happened.....

Taking a pic of a bowling ball was on our list and my sister and I saw a portion of the list before we left so we took a pic with my bowling ball(we're cheaters I know) and I thought this pic was so cute of my sissy with it I'm posting it here.

We weren't at that place long and then we went and settled into the last place and it is kind of "our place" if you may. That's when the fun really happened.

This is a picture of me and my friend Jamie, she works with me and she decided to join in on the birthday party fun.

There was some dancing that also went down, as there always is. Here is Jada shakin her groove thing like she does soooooo well.

This is me and Jada and our girl Karen posing with our favorite manager/bartender Tracy.

Yikes I look like shit in every picture. Hello there double chin where the hell did you come from??? I don't know what the deal was that night but I couldn't take a good picture to save my ever lovin soul. But do you like the fake dark rimmed glasses? I thought they were funky and fun.

Here we were having a conversation about the Iraqi war and the many guerilla tactics of those stationed and how they must feel to be fighting over there with a divided nation of naysayers in America. This was her "Let's give peace a chance" pose. Okay I totally lied about all of that. She was just acting like a dumbass and I captured it on film.

This is a pic of my sissy and her boyfriend Travis. I know they both look like they were smokin the lettuce or at the very least drunk on moonshine. But really they just didn't time the eyes open/flash going off ratio. It's okay though, because I'm fricken notorious for it.

Here is a pic of Jada, Jen and Karen. Karen was talking here and if I can recall through the cherry vodka and coke fog, I believe what she was saying was "Joey, you are so awesome!!"

This was Jada's "flavor of the night" a young curly haired boy named Mitch. I don't know what it is, but she goes for that long curly hair. We had to go to our pub in Kearney for months because a young curly haired boy worked there. You know, the one she tongued before we left that night a year ago.....Anyway, here is Mitch and I think Jada kissing him.

And that pretty much sums up the highlights and the lownights of the evening. We had a good time. We went home not drunk, sore legs from dancing and seeing spots from all the flashes. I don't know about you but that constitutes a great night in my book.

And today, Jaxon is on the way to the Cayman Islands. That bitch! ha ha ha. It's actually a business trip. I definitely think I'm in the wrong business!!! She'll be gone for like 6 days. That will be a record for us. I've never gone 6 days without talking to her before so this could be a challenge. Where will I get my daily dose of laughing? My political uncorrectness fix? I told her last night to go sell pooka shells on the seashore to buy an international calling card so she could call me. She just laughed and said I made that word up, that there was no such thing as a pooka shell! Nuh uh!!! Then she called me a weirdo. So really that conversation ended just like any other.

Rock on with your bad selves.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!