Advice taken 2005-03-07 8:05 p.m. Wow twice in one day. That could be a record.

In relation to my parenting rant earlier, I have sought some expert opinions and have gotten nothing but great feedback. I talked to my boss today who has a teenage stepson AND I emailed my brother who is a daddy of 3 kids, a teacher, and has a Master's Degree in Education/Administration.

So far the feedback I have gotten is just wonderful. Donita gave me some good tips. And she also let me know that what I'm going through with her is very normal.

My brother could really really give me good feedback because he plays both roles. He gave me great ideas on how to approach her teacher on this subject and good ideas on just how to keep track of her work as well as setting short term goals, punishment versus rewards and the whole shooting match. I just love that guy. We've actually gotten lots closer since we've been emailing back and forth. We probably do it like once a week or so. And yesterday was his 37th birthday. Happy Birthday Bro!!!!!

The maintenance dude showed up at my house around 5:30 and fixed my dishwasher so she's working like a dream now. I was almost embarrassed to have him in my kitchen because both sides of my sink were full of dirty dishes. But since he was coming to SOLVE that problem it wasn't so bad. It could have been far worse, he could have been coming to fix my fridge and I still had a sink full of dirty dishes. I made a crock pot full of beef stew tonight. I actually started it at 10:30 this morning and it just simmered and cooked all day. My house smelled and continues to smell simply wonderful. I love the way a house smells when you have something cooking or baking. And the beef stew was yummy! And the best part of all....LEFTOVERS!!! Now I don't have to worry about what I'm going to eat for lunch tomorrow. Wow, this whole "cooking" thing sure does make your life easier! Why didn't somebody tell me this years ago?!?!

Overall a really great day, even for a Monday. Seems like lately my good days are outnumbering my bad ones so that's great right? I think so. I think it's been a while since I've just had a shitty/cry all day day.

On that note............I'm feeling like I'm 6 months pregnant and my abdomen looks like it too. So you know what that means. It's very close to being that time of the month again (or nunny which I call it cuz that's what Australians call it and well, you can guess where I got THAT from).

I'm SO missing my Jim Rome fix badly because he's been off work since last Wednesday. Apparently if your wife has a baby it's more important to stay home and be with her. The nerve!!!!! Hopefully he'll be back on the air and on TV by Thursday. And dammit Janet, don't get pregnant for like another 5 years now you hear? We need your husband!!! Ha ha.

And related to that, when I went and saw "Hitch" this weekend they ran a trailer for the new Adam Sandler movie coming out this spring or summer called "The Longest Mile". It's a football movie. And Jim has a few scenes in the movie as...wait for it.....a sports announcer!!! And when they showed him in the trailer I immediately squealed and said to Jada "That's Jim Rome! That's Jim Rome! I've talked to that guy!!" Yeah completely pathetic I know. But cut me some slack.

Damn I'm really tired. Guess I'll end this now. I mean haven't I written enough for you people today?

I'm gonna go veg out now on the couch for a while, rub my big bloated belly and hopefully fall asleep.

Sweet Dreams my little honies! Andy - 2005-03-08 09:46:43
Hey, my dishwasher broke too! I didn't have to call a repairman though. All I had to do was tell her I was sorry and buy her dinner and some flowers.
Joey - 2005-03-08 10:40:46
LMAO Andy!!! At least MY laundry room isn't painted electric puke blue ;) LOVE your diary BTW!!!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!