Parenting sucks 2005-03-07 8:39 a.m. Things just got really not fun in my house. Ohhhh how I love to be a parent! No....really I do. But the kid is really pissing me off right now. Her grades have been slipping a little bit. I've talked this over with her teacher and such. We've tried several approaches in this house, none of which have worked. This last quarter she has gotten 3 C's. Which may not be a huge deal to some parents, but it's a huge deal to us. See, she's capable of much better. Even the teacher said she is and that Cass knows she is too. It seems that she's gotten a bit lazy this year. I've tried everything. Her dad is just plain pissed and yelling and screaming at her, discussing things with the teacher, wants copies of all progress reports, test results etc. Funny how he's never wanted to be involved before. He doesn't go to school functions. He doesn't pay her fucking $1200/year tuition, he doesn't pay one red cent towards lunches or field trips and he never makes an appearance at parent/teacher conferences. But apparently upon hearing his daughter has 3 C's in school, NOW he decided to stick his fucking nose in the situation. And I'm sure he already has himself convinced of how it's MY fault. Because that's how he works.

Anyway......I have tried several different approaches, none of which have worked. Last night she had homework. She had two worksheets that needed to be completed, and she needed each book to complete them. Do you think she actually brought the books home to do them? Hellllllll no. That would be TOO easy right? So she finished what she could and didn't even get the others done. She has bombed a test this quarter that if she makes the corrections, they will change her grade to a 93%. I know I'd make the corrections, seems like a logical thing to do right? Well I've been on this kid for at least two weeks to bring whatever book home so we can sit down and do this together. Has she yet???? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. She always has the same excuse "I got rushed after school and forgot." Or "I was running behind and didn't want to make you mad by being later." or my personal favorite "I was getting the books out of my desk to put in my bag when somebody told me Ryan was trying to bust into my locker and I had to go check it out and then I forgot" It's always something and I am plain ass fed up with it.

I don't ask her to do much, I really don't. She has to get her work finished, she has to put away her own clothes when I have washed and folded them, she has to keep her room clean and unload and load the dishwasher. And when she has done those things, she's pretty much free to do whatever. Well that has now all changed. She still has her chores but until she gets her grades up and does the stuff she's supposed to be doing, no extracurricular activities. At all. I've changed the passwords on both of our desktops so that she cannot access the computer. Not even after school when Michelle is here. No more going to the mall with her friends. No more talking to her friends on the phone or online. Nothing. She's going to see what it's really like not having fun at home. She is aware of all of these changes. She didn't argue or fight back, she just sat there and cried. Crocodile tears I'm sure. I wasn't having it. I'm cracking down until she can actually work to her potential.

Even the work she does hand in is sloppy. To which the teacher told me at the first parent/teacher conference..."I'm not too hard on the kids for sloppy handwriting, because I have very sloppy handwriting myself". So she's letting them get away with not taking any time to turn in neat work. I've been checking her homework for quite some time. When I look at it and can't even tell what her answer is, that's a problem. That kid won't take the time to do anything neatly to save her ever lovin soul. And the kid can do it. She just won't. And THAT pisses me off.

So the teacher relays to me that for some odd reason she'll never understand, 5th grade seems to be the year that the girl discover boys *GULP*. She's taught 5th grade for years and she sees it every year. And I know my kid has gotten boy crazy. But if it's so bad you aren't getting all your work done in school and then you can't bring all your shit home to finish it at home, then I take issue with it. She told me politely that Cass seems to be very "social" which is the polite way of saying "your kid never shuts her mouth in school". Damn wonder where she got that? *whistles and looks at the ceiling* Regardless, I never let that shit affect my homework.

I don't want people thinking I'm all mean and pushing my kid to do better in school and pushing her beyond her potential. I am not. She can do better than that. I know it, the teacher knows it, her father knows it and most of all, she knows it. If she was only able to get C's because that was her learning level or whatever then fine. But that's not the case. Last parent/teacher conference we got test results back showing her on a 7th and 8th grade level for most of her stuff. She's in 5th grade. So yes, she can do better. She's just lazy. And apparently just doesn't wanna.

Well that's all changed now. She has no choice. I'm sick of it and I'm sick of her father blaming me for everything she does. It's her turn now to be responsible for this and until she gets her act together, nothing fun. Including no boys. Screw boys. We all know they are evil anyway!!!!!

I'm done venting now. Doesn't that make you just wanna go out and get knocked up??? Joey - 2005-03-07 19:31:18
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A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!