Community Issues 2005-03-09 8:20 a.m. Can we discuss gas?

And NO I don't mean the kind that escapes as odiferous fumes into the air after eating Mexican food or ice cream, in my case.

I mean the type you put in your vehicle to make it run. It is $2.05 a gallon here right now. I have no idea how that compares to the national average. I do know it is less than $2.00 a gallon in other areas of the United States. But damn, $2.05 a gallon!!! Does anybody else think we're taking it up the ass? I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Well in my local newspaper there are forum boards and this was quite a hot and heavy topic. There were people who complained, went into 325232 reasons to blaim Dubya for it and those who said they had to drive so they just have to pay it. Then there were the few people who stated that we had a choice to not have to pay those kinds of prices and that we are the masters of our own destiny, blah blah blah. Well of course this person backed up their claim stating that we could buy a car that did not use gasoline, ride a bike instead, walk, etc etc. Does this person realize that those electric cars have a huge waiting list? Even celebrities have to wait for them! (I believe it's called a Toyota Prius). And while riding a bike would be just lovely, how on earth is that supposed to happen? I can't hop on a bike and ride miles to the grocery store. Then how would I get the groceries home? Then the person says "Well get a job within a mile of your home". Ummmm sure. I mean I do personally have a job within a mile of my home (It's actually IN my home) but still, how do I get my child to school? Put her on a bike in -10 weather in the wintertime and say "There ya go buckoo, mommy has to choose not to let those big scary government officials win by paying for their expensive gas so you must ride the MILES to school so mommy can be the master of her own destiny". Great idea? No....not so much. And people in big cities.....are they going to quit their jobs so that they can seek employment within a mile of their home so they may walk/ride their bikes to work? Come on now. Let's be realistic here. I don't even know if public transportation is a huge factor in all of this. Have the prices gone up to ride the bus because of the gas prices? That question I don't know. But most of us don't live in places where public transportation exists. Unless they build a subway in my little town that will drop off my daughter at school I guess I will be driving her. And paying $2.05 a gallon to do so. It sucks though. Majorly. If I could find out a way to stick it to the man and get lower gas prices I would. But please do enlighten me on how to do just that. And NO riding a bike (of which I do not own one) is not an option. Although I'd probably drop weight like a mo fo, but I just don't think it's feasible. If it is feasible for you, you go peddling your little feet to kingdom come but this is not a viable option for everybody.

So I get a kick out of reading this forum board from time to time. Some people are so outrageous it's actually funny. Take for instance, a local high school here is having an after prom party for the kids, giving them an alternative party as opposed to other activities that are notorious for after prom parties, i.e. getting a hotel room, drinking, and other forms of debauchery. And the people setting up this party are making it fun for the kids, offering tables of Texas Hold Em poker (which we all know I'm a fan of) and winning fake money to buy prizes. Sounds like fun right? It's all adult supervised and sounds like it is very well planned. But oh noooooooo there is always that group of naysayers in the community who have to gripe and bitch about every little thing. And there are some parents who have their panties in a bunch because they don't think it's right for kids to be gambling and that this setting may cause kids to become addicted to gambling. So it's been quite a trip watching people in the community battle it out. *rolls eyes*. To add in my two pennies, I think it's a great alternative to kids being out partying, drinking and driving and doing only god knows what after prom. Would you as a parent sleep better knowing your kid was at an adult supervised party having fun with no drugs and alcohol versus just giving them a curfew and not knowing where they are, what they are doing or who they are with? Yeah, I know my choice. I honestly don't think my kid is going to develop a gambling addiction because she is sitting at a fake poker table playing a very popular card game, winning fake money for nice prizes.

If that is such a concern, then these parents should not allow their children to watch poker on TV. Those are professional players, betting with actual money and doing the real thing, most of the time in Vegas. I personally think they could develop a gambling addiction doing that more so then playing poker with fake money at an after prom party. I don't think parents these days give their kids enough credit. It's all in fun. And from what others in the community have said, there are actual Texas Hold Em poker parties going on all over this state any given weekend night where actual money is betted upon and won. And people have problems with an after prom party?

Those people need to just simmuh down nah.

Go pick on the assholes who are causing me to pay $2.05 a gallon for gas!!!!

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A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!