It's a mixed bag 2005-03-11 4:48 p.m. I LOVE this man.....

Not the "I wanna shag you and have your babies" kind of love (for VERY obvious reasons) but the "I think you're funny and I wanna hang out and laugh my ass off" kind of love. Who wouldn't want him showing up at your house one morning, cappucino in hand, sunglasses on head wearing a pink boa? I'd be straight up inviting him in, sitting him down on the couch and asking him all the celebrity gossip. And he's just snitty enough, he'd tell ya too.

So yeah, Robert Verdi. If you don't know who he is, SHAME ON YOU!! Check out The Discovery Channel and watch his show "Surprise By Design" or the E! Channel and his new little TV show over in that neck of the woods. He's hilarious. And fabu. Go watch him and tell him Joey sent ya!

The little school dance went pretty good last night. We were incredibly worried at first when we walked in and it was all little kids doing like the mexican hat dance or something. Cass wouldn't even sit down with me, she was just straight up afraid this dance was going to be lame, and that none of her friends would show up. The music got better, her friends did in fact all show up AND they ran around the rest of the night with my digital camera taking pictures of all of the boys they like. Typical girls. I'll upload those pics later and maybe throw one or two on here. The one of Cass doing the "YMCA" is priceless. And by priceless I mean that someday when she's older, I will blackmail her with it. Oh yes indeedy.

Next week I will be going onsite to work my shift. The whole week. Yes, 5 days. For 5 days I will be away from this place during the day. Oh and also not on MSN. How will I cope?? *puts hand to forehead* Since I called my boss earlier this week and said "Hey, just wanted to let you know I'm burnt out on my job, I hate it and the stuff I actually do is boring and no longer challenges me at all. How many of YOU can go to your boss and say that? Well hell, anybody can say it but I mean without getting fired. Or at least a good stern talking to. My boss (who is also a friend BTW) said "Okay Joey, I have lots of things you can help me do" And the rest is history. So I'm being put on a special committee and taking on some "special projects" at work. Anything to get me the hell away from this inane job for a while I'm all for! At least I got my shift rearranged a bit. So I'll work 6:30 - 3:00 all week so I don't have to take Cass out so damn early in the morning. I'm actually looking forward to this. That is what is so fucked up about it all.

I have found out this week that once a psycho always a psycho. If it looks like a moron, talks like a moron and acts like a moron, it guessed it, indeed a moron. Oh...and misery loves company.

Sorry I'm just spouting out the cliches today. But they actually mean something to me right now.

And last but certainly not least, the last I heard, my sister's dog Missy had 2 puppies this afternoon. Unfortunately one did not make it. They are not sure if she is having more or not. She's huge this time so they figured she'd have a few more. But the last I talked to her about 30 minutes ago, no more yet. I'll try to get over there this weekend too and snap a pic of the puppy and/or puppies. I love new puppies!!

Other than not, went on a freakin cleaning spree at 4:00. Don't know why. I get in these moods and I just have to go with it. Even if it was during Dr. Phil. So I got my kitchen completely cleaned up, dishes done, countertops wiped down, floor swept AND all the garbage in the house out.
I never know just what gets into me. I don't ask. I don't question. I just hop on for the ride.

I'm gearing up for the weekend. Should be fun. My niece Emily (aka Emmy Lou) is coming to spend the night tonight. She's pretty darn excited. She'll be 7 next month. And she can and will tell you exactly how many weeks till her birthday. She's a cutie. And best of all?? Cassidy has somebody to pal around with tonight and she'll be outta my hair!!!

And I shall leave you with this nugget of information that may or may not cause you to stop and ponder, if for just a moment.....

If French people swear, do they say pardon my English????

****Edited at 5:22 PM. My sissy just called, she has 3 puppies now!! We're going over to pick Emmy up, so that we can take pics of them. Travis things she might have one more. We'll see. I'll take my digital camera!****

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!