Random pics and other stuff 2005-03-12 9:22 p.m. I'm going to be all over the place here, so stay with me.

First of all, from the very first time I saw this commerical I sat there stunned. My jaw was maybe even on the floor. I was all "Is this a JOKE?????". But then I saw it again and again and fucking AGAIN and realized it wasn't a joke. What the hell?? A washed up singer from the 90s, a chick who used to host "Wild On" on the E! Channel who I am convinced has absolutely no purpose in this moronic commercial, the Burger King which let's face it, the dude creeps me out no matter what commercial he's in and what about those slutty chicks in short shorts on that teeter totter thing??? There are so many things wrong with this commercial, I could talk about it for a week. I just hope that whoever came up with the concept for the commercial has been fired. Look......if I wanna buy your burger, I'll buy your fuckin burger. I don't need that shit in my face every 5 minutes on TV. In fact, just for putting that TRASH on TV, I'm not even eating your damn burger!!! So There!!!! Nothing like sticking it to the man!

This afternoon we did the Girl Scout skating party. That was really fun. Sorry folks, forgot the digital cam. Don't know what I was thinking there. But here was the funny thing about it all. There are only 4 girls in her troop. Three of them were there today (3 counting Cass). Well......one of the girls who was there, her mom is engaged (or was engaged I hear) to an ex-boyfriend of mine. I see her every once in a while because she waitresses as a place we go to from time to time. I dont' know if she knows who I am, meaning I don't know if she knows I used to date her boyfriend/fiance about 4 1/2 years ago. Either she's just not a friendly person or she knows. Because she wouldn't sit down at our table for save her life. She went out and skated with her daughter while the other mom and I sat at a table and just shot the shit the whole time. She wouldn't look at me, talk to me or acknowledge me in any way whatsoever. And she's like that when we go into her restaurant. Which I find funny. I mean I'm glad she's with the guy and I'm not!!!! Maybe she's heard stories, I don't know. And I'm fine with it if she has. Because for every story she's heard about me, BOY could I give her a few back. But last I heard (through a VERY reliable source which shall remain nameless) they called off their wedding a month ago or so. I get the impression they are still together but I really have no clue. Really, I don't even give a shit if they are or not. I mean she seems like a nice person so really I wish they were broken up so that she could stop torturing herself like that. But either way, I just don't care. I smiled at her, acknowledged her, even tried to get her to sit down with us, but to no avail. I am perfectly willing to be nice to her. She seems like a nice person. Ohter than the fact she has BAD BAD taste in men. But I was willing to overlook that all and befriend her. And she wasn't havin NONE of it. Oh well, her loss.

In other news, Jax and Dragon will be here in exactly 3 days. This is a real legitimate business trip people!!! Like they have itineraries, meetings, hotel rooms, business lunches, the whole shooting match. How ironic it happened to be in my town? They switched insurance companies and holy sheister batman the company is in my town. So I'll get to spend a little time with her and meet Dragon who I am very psyched to meet. Hopefully all those rumors he probably heard about me he won't believe ha ha ha. He's a very cool guy and extremely talented at his job. He's a good egg, that Dragon.

Okay last but not least, I will be posting random pictures I've had sitting on my PC for a while and stuff. Most of them are of my pookie (aka Cassidy)

Here is Cassidy in the car the other night as we were leaving to go to the school dance. No I'm not a hippy and make her wear tie dye, it was "Colorful Day" at school and this is, without a doubt, the most colorful shirt she owns.....

And here she is next to my plant who we have so lovingly named Bethany. Why? I don't know. Jaxon named her really.

Here is Cass outside our apartment wearing the fake dark rimmed glasses I bought for my sister's party. The pic is a little dark but I just thought it was cute. Do you see how skinny that kid is? What I'd do to look like that!!! One observation, I crossed out my license plate number in the pic. Isn't that funny? Didn't want anybody looking it up, finding my address then coming and stealing my 1995 Geo Prizm with 2 cracks in the windshield, dent in the back driver's side, power NOTHING, factory car stereo with NO tape deck or CD player, and no knobs. Oh no my friends, I want to keep this pimped out car for myself!!! *Dr. Evil laugh* Long live the pinto!!!!

This is Michelle, Cassidy's best friend and the girl I pick up from school every day. Her mom works a few blocks from my apartment and I watch her every day until her mom gets to my house around 4:30 or so. She's a very ODD but fun girl. Her and Cassidy are so much alike it's scary sometimes.

Here is me and Jada at the last hockey game we went to. My hair was totally fucked up that night. My bangs kept falling down in my face. And the white shirt isn't extremely flattering on me but I gotta support my team!! Love me, shirt and all!!!!

And last but certainly not least, the YMCA picture from the school dance the other night. I love this pic. You have to look down a few from Cassidy, see that REALLY REALLY short girl on the very left hand side? She's actually older than Cassidy!! She's one of the older girls in the class. She's TINY!!!! Her mom is really short though, like barely over 5 foot. But boy she's the shit in that class. Always has been. She's probably the most popular girl. Not sure why, I mean you practically have to look down into another time zone to talk to her. Anyway, this picture was fun....

And there you have it, some more random pictures. I swear I'm getting so bad at doing this. It was all fun at first, then I got lazy because I have to upload them, then resize them in Paint Shop Pro, then upload them, then type in all the HTML coding to put them on here.

I know, I know, cry me a fuckin river Joey!!!

Oh and BTW, we have 4 puppies now!! 2 boys and 2 girls. I did have a pic of 3 of them before she had the 4th but ummmm when I got home and uploaded the picture it looks like a scene from Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Way too much blood. I'll get a better pic in the next few days. They are adorable!!! When those boogers start walking around and stuff, I can't keep myself from going over there! I could sit there for hours and hold those little fluff balls. It's times like this I miss my house and knowing I had the option of having a puppy if I wanted. Oh well.

P.S.....My old house is starting foreclosure I guess. But I can't understand one damn word of all the legal jargen they send me. I just know that shit is starting to take place now. Well la te fuckin da. That place sucked. Good luck to the next morons who buy it !!!!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!