Baby mama drama and musical memories 2005-03-16 5:24 p.m. Before I get onto the funnies of today, let me just prove a point here. My mom stopped over a bit ago. I was on ebay looking for some books I was interested in reading. I got up and my pants were undone and unzipped a little. I figured I'd better explain why my pants were undone and unzipped. See, on certain jeans or pants the button rubs against my incision and it tears it up, gets it all red and it just plain hurts. So sometimes when I'm at home I'll unbutton them or whatever, just to save myself the torture for only when I have to. So as I explain this to my mother she says and I quote "I used to have that problem too, but then I lost weight and it doesn't happen anymore". See what I mean? It ALWAYS goes back to me being fat. She blames everything on it. If I told her I had a toothache, she'd find a way to throw it in my face about how me being fat is related to my toothache. Or sore thumb, or swollen lip, or ingrown toenail. It wouldn't matter. She just loves taunting me with "you need to lose weight" jabs. Every chance she gets. And what can I say? I guess I gave her some damn fine material to work with today. But it doesn't bother me. I'm SO past that. I've realized that her snide comments and rude remarks stem from HER shit, not mine. Ever since I discovered that, I've been fine. Am I overweight? Yep I am. I know that. I swear to God I'm like a teenager. She gets on her kicks and I stay fat, just to spite her. Childish I know...

Okay onto the good stuff. I worked onsite today. I swear I forget how fun and hilarious that is. You know, talking to REAL people all day and just having fun.

So there's this funny and hilarious girl I work with, her name is Jen. She's really young, like 22 I think. Or maybe still 21, I don't remember. Anyway she came walking into our office with her big, old ass Nokia cell phone with the antenna sticking straight up in the air walking around proclaiming "I have no service, I'm looking for reception". I told her she could use my cell phone, I am getting reception in there. To which she tells me that she has to have HER phone get service because she left a nasty voicemail on an ex-roommates phone and she needs to be able to answer the call if or when she calls back. So I just shrug and say okay and get back to working.....

A bit later I walk back to my boss's office and I have to go through Jen's office to get there. I walk in and Jen is standing on top of her chair, her cell phone antenna up and she's trying to hang the cell phone from the ceiling. Yes, you read that right. She apparently got reception when she put her phone up by the ceiling so now she's trying to find a way to keep it up there. And she's trying to hang it from the ceiling tiles with the antenna. I'm laughing my ass off at this point. I tell her if she didn't have a "Zack Morris" phone, she wouldn't have that problem. To which all of us break out into hysteric giggles because we ALL have seen that episode of "Saved By The Bell". So then I decide to ask why it's so important she answer her cell in case the psycho ex-roommate calls. Oh boy did I get an earful....

The ex-friend/roommate had a baby in December (I think it was if I remember right) and the father of that baby is the husband of a really good friend of Jen's. So she's pissed about it and apparently the rumor mill is a hoppin in that town and the wife (not the one who had the baby) is asking around to find out if it's true. Well baby mama denied it to wife. Husband denied it to wife. Jen, having lived with baby mama for a while before finding out baby mama screwed a friend's husband and got knocked up, knows where the paternity papers are kept in the house. She's hell bent on telling wife that her hubby knocked up a skank. Soooo that was the nasty email she left on baby mama's cell phone, was that she was going to tell wifey her husband is a dirtbag. So she has her digital camera with her, bound and determined she is going to get into her house and take a picture of the paternity papers and show said picture to wife. She thinks she has the perfect excuse, she still has some of her stuff there that she needs to get out before baby mama moves in a few weeks. So I'm sitting there listening to all the scenarios she is coming up with to get into her place, or at the very least get the hubby to admit it to her. Because, see, her digital camera has audio and she thinks if she's gets it on tape, she'll have the evidence she needs for wife. BUT, what if it's over the phone you ask? Will it pick up a conversation over the phone? That's when MY boss steps in, calls her up on the phone, talks to her, the convo is recorded and sure as shit, it will pick it up. I'm standing there bewildered this whole time. Jen's life is like a really bad soap opera. It's so unbelieveable it's actually funny. And just watching and listening to Jen talk about it is the funniest part ever. Jen is the gal who if you read here she was the one who made me laugh so hard when we were doing those skits at work I damn near peed myself AND fell off the chair I was sitting on.

Back to the story. After a good hearty laugh, I went back to my desk and finished up my work for the day. I came back through there on my way out to say goodnight to my boss and what I walked in on was MY boss asking her what kind of locks this chick has and when she described them, my boss told her exactly what kind of screwdriver to bring, where to place it in the door and exactly how to get it open.

Does YOUR boss do that???

I totally forget I love the characters that I work with. Never a dull day in that place. Oh, and I got some work done too. Although not NEAR as much as I get done at home.....

I took my CD player up there today because I simply cannot work in an environment that does not have music going.. I grabbed a handful of CD's all very random. I reach into the pile this afternoon and pull out Alanis Morrisette's "Jagged Little Pill". I put it in and turn it on and it all comes back to me. Am I the only one who has a pivotal CD? Please tell me I'm not. Takes me back to August of 1996. Moved out my home the month before, took my 2 y/o daughter with me and I was ass deep in lawyers and custody hearings. Oh yes, it's an angry CD. Which we all know I take a liking to from time to time. When I hear any given song on that CD, I go back to that place. I remember what I felt like, what my little tiny ass house smelled like, what I felt, what I was doing when those songs played. I used to throw that CD in every time I took a bath to go out. Back then I only had a bathtub so I had to do so, and I also had a hankerin for alcohol so I went out quite often. I literally went back into my bathtub, laying there, thinking about going out and listening to that music. There is a song on there called "Head Over Feet"
that reminded me of the guy I really liked at that time. I mean to tell you, I can remember the exact place I was in my car when I heard that song on the radio and thought of him. Am I the only one doing this here? Or am I just the only one admitting it? When I hear "You Oughta Know" I can remember thinking of my ex-husband and how that song WAS him and I remember dancing drunk to it many many times, requesting it at this club, dancing and screaming the words to it. Every song on that CD reminds me of something or somebody. And it's so very weird how just hearing those songs again can instantly place me back into 1996 where I can remember the moments, smell the smells, feel the feelings. Whenever I heard "Don't Speak" by No Doubt, it takes me back to me laying on that living room floor on my stomach, looking at the lyrics on the CD cover, crying and also thinking somebody wrote that song for me.

The CD "Fallen" by Evanescence does that too sort of, but not to the extreme that "Jagged Little Pill" does.

But the best part of it all??? I can listen to "Jagged Little Pill" now or "Fallen" and the music doesn't affect me in the same way whatsoever. Now I listen and I can enjoy the music for what it was. And that's a true sign and I'm definitely past those points in my life. Now it's just music, and not personal.

While on the topic of albums, whenever I hear any song from Bon Jovi "Slippery When Wet", I get all the memories from high school. My high school sweetheart. Who ironically is also my ex-husband but I digress. It brings me back to all the nights we used to play that cassette tape (yes that ages me) over and over and over in his car. All the things we talked about, all the things we did (sheesh, I was "not-that-innocent" in high school) and I can even remember the smell of his leather seats and the smell of his cologne. At least THOSE memories are good, even if he did turn out to be a cheating rat bastard with no heart.

HA! HA! I'm over it, I promise!

Is there any CD in your collection (or album for you oldies but goodies and Jada) that bring memories back like that? If there is, leave me a comment in my comment section or on my tag board, I'd be interested to hear!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!