Blogs, morons and zits oh my! 2005-03-22 9:13 p.m. As if my TV schedule isn't grueling enought ha ha. I added a new TV show to the rotation. I have dropped a few in the last few weeks too, so I think it's the system of checks and balances. Throw out a few, add one, I'm still behind. And that's fine by me.

I added "Project Greenlight" to my rotation this week. I saw last week's first episode during a re-run so that was cool. I'll be honest. I would have probably never even paid much attention to this show...if it wasn't for my Matty. But now I'm into it. It's very exciting to watch what goes into actually making a movie. You don't just cast some people and show up and shoot one day. Just the pile of shit you have to go through before a camera is even picked up is interesting. I just hope this thing turns out okay because right now, the script they picked SUCKS (thanks to my Matty for speaking his mind on that) and the director sucks more than the script. And that's saying a lot. I'll still watch it just because I find the process fascinating.

I added another blog today to my repertoire (impressed I spelled that word correctly? Don't be, my friend Webster helped me out). I found Rosie O'Donell's blog. And yes it's hers. I found the link in a magazine, and she also links it from her official website. So I read it all tonight. It didn't take too long, she she just started it in December and she certainly doesn't update it every day. Anyway, it was an interesting read for sure. Some things she says I just wanna cheer and say "Right on Rosie, you go girl!!" and other things I'm wagging my index finger in the tsk tsk tsk style. But I'll continue to read it.

Worked onsite this morning from 8 AM till 1:30 PM training a gal on some new software that she will use when she goes home next week to work. It went fine. She seemed to really pick it up fast. I hope I helped. Much of it is basically doing what suits you best. You find what works for you and you go with it. But she needed teaching on the basics of it.

I got the update from Jen, on her friend whose husband fathered a baby with her ex-friend. They told wifey. She didn't react like they thought she would, THANK GOD. But the husband did get a black eye out of the situation. Not sure how I feel about that. I mean the dirtbag did deserve it, but I just don't believe in domestic violence, even if it is the wife beating up the husband. But I don't even know these people, so I guess they won't even give a shit about my opinion. I can feel the wife's pain somewhat. About the cheating part I mean. But not the fathering a child with somebody who is not his wife thing. But I know her pain. It hurts. And although on more than one occasion I would have loved to give him a black eye or two, I would have never crossed that line to do so. Because at the end of the day all it does it cause more trouble and I don't know, maybe a trip to jail if the husband wants to be really shitty about it. And that is just something I myself would have never done.

Moving on....

The funniest thing ever....a gal from work brought her PC into work last week so the IT guys could give her the latest updated version of our anti-virus software. They did their thing and she came and picked it up and took it back home. The next morning she calls up to work in an absolutely huff because she can't get logged on and she's pissed and she's losing hours here and she has to wait until the guy who did this job comes in to work so she can get it fixed. So she spawns a big IT department drama with the other gals and the one most outspoken gal starts in on her daily rampage about how the IT department sucks, they give us no respect, they treat us like dirt because we're women (totally disagree with one) and so on and so forth. If there was anything bad to be said about any of these IT guys, she said it. I personally thought she was a bit harsh. But that's her nature. And she's been told on more than one occasion to back the fuck down. Anyway, we found out later the problem was, the IT guy logged onto windows using his username and password so he could do this thing. Due to HIPAA (I know foreign to you all) regulations and regulations relating to confidentiality, the IT department can no longer have access to our passwords. Which is the right thing to do. Because we have access to lots of confidential medical information. So he put in his username and password and did the update. Well when she got the PC back, she went to log into Windows and his username was still in the username field. Here's the hilarious part. She didn't know her username. And she was pissed that he didn't take out HIS username and put hers back in. Now correct me if I"m wrong here, but she's been logging into fucking Windows now with the same username and password for 7 years. Don't you think she would know it by now? Her defense was that when she logs in every day her username is already in that field, she just has to put in the 4 digit password. So you mean to tell me that after 7 years you've never looked at that field to see what your user name was?? And to make matter worse, it's her first initial followed by her last name!! I mean it's not some complex variation of numerals or symbols for christ's sake!!! Oh and did I mention she's like 60? That might have something to do with it.

So when the word came back that she was just a moron and couldn't figure out how to log onto her own computer, I had a hearty laugh about it and made sure Miss Bitter Pants sitting next to me heard it. Oh, and I may have had a sarcastic comment or two fly out of my mouth. Because we ALL know I'm legendary at doing that.

*shakes head* Some people just should not ever have clearance to use computers. I'm sorry. *laughs again*

So I'm helping the gal I trained today set up her PC at work that she is going to take home on Friday of last week. Her mouse has a USB port plug on it and we were discussing that. Most of ours don't, they just have the standard mouse plug. So when I threw out the word "USB" they all looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language. New rule....women in their 50s and 60s should not be allowed to operate computers. And if they have to, they need to do some reading up on basic computer components before they are allowed to touch it.

That's not to say I'm a computer wiz because I am far from that. But I do know what a USB port component looks like and I do know how to plug it into the correct place. Some of these women have diagrams at home to show where everything is plugged into the back of their computers so if they have to bring their PC's in for whatever reason they can hook it up correctly when they get home. I don't know, I think the purple end of your fucking mouse plug probably goes into the purple fucking labeled hole on the back of your computer. But maybe that's a bit too much for them to grasp.

Well I guess I'm done with the computer rant. Because I know Jax will read this and laugh because like I said, I'm not computer wiz myself. Not like her. If I had the knowledge of shit like she does, I wouldn't even be doing that job. But I digress.

And I need to go and help the kid wash her hair and then her little booty to bed. Tomorrow is an appointment with the Dermatologist for her acne. A 10 y/o girl shouldn't have it like that. And we're going to see what we can do about it. She does have horrible acne genes though, her dad had it something fierce as a teenager. But still, it bothers the poor kid and she does get made fun of sometimes about it. And that makes me feel horrible. So now we're going to go do something about it. Wish me luck! Andy - 2005-03-23 09:32:35
ohhhh. Ms Fancy Pants showing us all up, with her USB ports. La-de-dah. Well 'round here missy we call em "Plug-hole thingies". Actually, arent all the connections color coded these days?

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!