My take on it all 2005-03-26 6:52 p.m. Well since this is BIG headlines right now, I'll give my take on the Terri Shiavo case, and I won't suck. (sorry, that's a Jim Rome reference).

Some of your may disagree with this, but remember this is MY opinion. Got post yours on your diary if you want.

First of all, if this was me, I would want to be taken off that life support. As soon as they told my family I was going to be a vegetable for the rest of my life. If that was the case and they were 100% sure I would never make a recovery and I was going to be a vegetable, by all means, get me off that thing. Who wants to pay the millions and millions of dollars it will cost to keep me alive? And with absolutely no chance of recovery? Forget it. I don't want my family to have to see me like that for the rest of my life. I'd rather have them bury me and remember the way I was when I was alive and healthy.

I can understand her parents not wanting to let go. Hell, I'm a parent too and I know it would be extremely hard. And I can't even tell you with 100% assuredness how I would handle it if it was my daughter.

I know it's a big fiasco because apparently the husband has moved on and has another woman blah blah blah. While I don't think that is necessarily right, I can understand this is probably costing him BIG bucks in insurance premiums and everthing else. I could understand him wanting to move on in life if his wife is a vegeteble with no chance of recovery. Doing it while she's still alive is a little shady, but so be it. He loves his wife. He took care of her for years and years. Let the poor guy go on and try to find some happiness in his life. Don't you think he's been through enough?

And to her parents, the fricken Supreme Court keeps turning you down. Do you get the picture? Why don't you let your daughter go with dignity? Let her go to a better place...Heaven...and then you guys can start the grieving process.

Terri is a person, yes she is. But she has no quality of life and never will. Let her go to her heavenly home, where she has to no longer suffer and be put through all of this. Let her be an angel in heaven looking down on all of us.

When my grandmother died in 1991 it was a little bit similar. My grandma's wishes were to never be kept alive on machines if there was no chance of her making a recovery. So when she had a stroke in her car in the parking lot of a grocery store, they revived her and got her to the ER. My dad was pissed because they revived her when her wishes were to clearly be allowed to die in this case. I, at the humble age of 19 had to explain to my father that EMS personnel coming up to a scene have no clue what a patient's wishes are. They do their job, do it the best they can, then rely on the family to take over from there. He got over it and we all moved on.

Beings that my father knew his mother's wishes, she was taken off all life support shortly after she was admitted. It was known there had been so much damage in her brain from the stroke that she would never recover. At that point my father decided to just let her go with dignity. She was diabetic so they kept her blood sugar levels up the best they could and gave her some pain medicine just to keep her comfortable. They did not however feed her or use any other measures of support to keep her alive. She breathed on her own for 8 days. Eight days of us visiting her, reading to her, talking to her, and preparing for her to go to her heavenly home. And when she took her last breath, my dad and family were there. And she went quietly in the afternoon of the 8th day. With dignity and with many many fond memories. And that's the way it should be.

So what is the moral of this story you ask??? Have your wishes not only known to friends and loved ones, but also have them in writing. Just so that you cannot have anybody fighting over who is right. Have a living will. I do. Then none of your loved ones will be the next Terri Shiavo...

Phew! On a lighter note, last night was a total blast. We headed over to Kearney to hit a hockey game. We made a few shopping stops such as Old Navy and Target. Got Cass a hoodie and some capri pants at Old Navy and then I got me a pair of jeans at Target. Yes, I am going to admit something right here and right now. I have gone up another size in jeans. I haven't worn this size for quite a few years. This shit just snuck up on me. (well ALL OVER me to be exact). But I was to the point I had to buy some new jeans, my old jeans were just causing me to be way too uncomfortable and I couldn't have that. So I found a pair that fit and were really comfortable and they were on sale for $10.98!! Which is unheard of. So I went to buy another pair and all they had left in my size was petite. Which anybody knows, I am hardly petite. I am almost 5'8". I usually have to wear Talls but for some reason the pair I bought are okay. Well, until I wash them a million times that is. Then they might shrink up a little. The kicker here is........I got these jeans to fit my ass, hips and tummy. And they feel great. However, my waist is smaller than the rest of me. So when I wear these jeans they are falling down all the time and I have a huge gap in the wasit line. And because I do, when I sit down it gapes out in the back and my underwear is out there like a beacon in the night. So I have to be careful that I'm wearing a long enough shirt to cover it. And when I get up, I have to pull them bitches up all the time. I guess the resolution to that little issue would be to get a belt. Damn that was such an easy problem solver!

So my kid took off tonight to go to tonight's hockey game with my sister and her family. My 7 y/o nephew Austin didn't want to go so she went in his place and he's here playing X-Box. Which is his favorite thing in the world to do. We went and rented him 2 games and I rented two DVD's. Which I am going to watch here momentarily. So it's a very very quiet night in my house. But that's okay, it needs to be that way sometimes.

Before I go, you know what really pisses me off?? Celebrities who run their big mouths about everything and anything because they can and they have the outlet to do it. Just because you are a celebrity and you're on ET, Inside Edition, and whatever else news show speaking your mind about whatever topic it is this week you're passionate about, doesn't mean you're right. Just means you are using your status to try to shove your opinion down my throat. But I'm not having it.

Just go back to getting million dollar paychecks every week and shut the hell up.

Thank you.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!