Pictures galore and poker 2005-03-31 9:39 p.m. I'm watching Poker right now on TV. It can't get any better than this!

I had a really productive evening for once. I cleaned like MAD for 30 minutes up in this place. I started in the kitchen with loading the dishwasher, washing the leftovers by hand, wiping down the counters, sweeping the floor AND mopping. Yes I rock, I know. Then off to the living room where I cleaned and organized everything and vacuumed. I know, I even surprised myself.

Can I count that as a partial workout? I mean I did go for 30 minutes straight and broke a sweat. So needless to say after the very early morning, the extreme work load today, the running around afterwards, grocery shopping and making supper, I was pooped by 8:00 tonight. So I watched "The Apprentice" (you didn't think I'd go a night without watching TV did you????) hopped in the shower and here I am. I can actually look back on this day and feel like I've done something. Boy what a feeling.

Next on the agenda? The bathroom and my bedroom. Since the home computer is in my bedroom now, you can be rest assured that my bedroom is a mess. Mostly with Cassidy's crap too. And that kid doesn't even sleep in there. So that's on my agenda for this weekend.

Speaking of weekend, I have so much going on, unlike most weekends. Even though this is a "Cass goes with her dad weekend" I will have her for half of it. Saturday morning early we have to leave for a Talent Festival about an hour or so away. She and Michelle are singing a duet. She sang me her part tonight. She's very good. I had never really heard her sing before. I mean songs on the radio, but that doesn't count. This was like serious sheet music singing. And she did really well. So because we're leaving so early on Saturday morning (8:30 AM on a Saturday???????? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) I'm keeping her here tomorrow night. Then we'll get back to down in the afternoon and I'll drop her off at dad's. So that basically gives me free time from then until 3:00 on Sunday when I will begin a 3:00-11:30 shift Sunday night. I don't mind the shift really, and it is another dollar an hour shift differential. Followed by a Monday off which totally rocks my world. So it's all good!

And here are some fun pictures for your viewing pleasure. These are from earlier this week. I have some more on my camera but when I tried to upload them the other night my computer wouldn't recognize my camera which is just weird but it's okay, it does that from time to time.

Here are the kids playing "four square" out on my mom's driveway. Do you all see how much bigger Cass is than the rest of them? And my niece Johanna is only 3 years younger. Can you say tall and skinny? The kid is 10 and is alread 5 feet tall. Not to mention size 8 women's shoes.

Here is Nollie Ollie (long O's) sitting on top of my brother's shoulders. I thought he was posed really cute. If I remember right, he was looking down at one of the puppies.

Here is Sarah and Nolan looking so cute. I'm quite sure she probably socked him after this picture was taken because they fight a lot. But just for this moment in time, aren't they adorable?

Here is Miss Sarah again with one of my sister's Jack Russell Terrier puppies. Aren't they adorable? They have finally opened their eyes. They aren't really walking around much though.

This was a funny pic of Cass and Johanna posing all nice when my sister snuck in the background and made a fun, unbeknownest to them. She looks pyscho in this picture. I love it.

And last but not least, this is a picture that is almost a week old. This is Cass and her friend Maci with Stormy, the mascot for the hockey team Tri City Storm

Well now that it's like hours later and I just got off the phone with my boy Brian in the ATL it's time to wrap this up and head on to bed.

Happy April Fools Day a few hours early! Now go out and do those practical jokes!!!!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!