Family drama 2005-04-03 12:35 p.m. Well we've all lost an hour of sleep. I won't feel it till tomorrow. Then I'll be draggin ass.

Yesterday we went to Cassidy's little talent festival thingie. She did really great. Better than I expected. I hadn't heard them sing together before. But they were really good and the choir teacher agreed. He told them they "saved the best for last" and he was proud of them. We'll find out tomorrow how they did as we didn't stay for the awards being handed out. We were done by 10:30. I wasn't going to stick around until 3:00 to find out.

Then I called my step-brother's house becuase they live in the town we were in and I NEVER get there very often at all. My step-brother was working (which I expected) but his wife and kids were home so we stopped over there for a little visit. They are the ones who have a son who was born with lots of birth defects and developmental problems. But he's just as sweet as can be. He about a year and a half old now and he's sitting up and playing with toys and she said he's recently begun to crawl "army style". So that's very cool. He has a tracheostomy which he will have for a few years and then when he's old enough, around 4 years of age he'll have the surgery on his jaw that he needs and then hopefully he'll be able to have the trach removed. He was just a playin and smilin when we were there. He's really a happy kid. And he's been through more and those parents have been through more than you could ever imagine.

She was telling me that they have lost so many friends ever since they brought him home. They have approached a few of them about it and a good friend of theirs even told them it was because of their child. Well that's just bullshit in my eyes. And she said when something like this happens you really find out who your friends are. And she had no idea they had such shallow friends. He is truly a blessing to them and others and it's just such a shame others don't see it that way. They are the ones missing out here. There is a WHOLE family drama going on on that side and I've heard both sides of the story and I'm staying neutral. So yes, yesterday I crossed "battle lines" and went and visited them. And I don't give one shit. They are my family too. I know that I don't have the complete truth on the situation. It's a combination of an idiot overdramatic mother who fucked herself and her kids over one last time and radical bible thumping grandparents who may have overstepped their boundaries. So as you can see, I'm just going about business as usual. I don't even want to pick sides. This isn't a game and there aren't teams. I just hope and pray it all gets better and there will be some resolve to this issue in one way or another.

So my mom after years of dealing with my step-dad's alcoholic foolishness finally decided to start stepping in again. She hasn't done this in years. It's all due to insecurity on her part which I really don't think is warranted. Everybody all knows he's a drunk. Who would want him? I'm not even convinced she wants him, especially like she used to but she's already said that she'll never do anything about it. She's where she is and will forever be. She has accepted it. Luckily he's not a mean drunk and pounds on her or anything. Because if he was, then I'd have to step in. He's the nice and funny drunk. Mr. Personality. And he thinks he's so amusing. What he doesn't know (and she probably doesn't either) is that everybody thinks he's an asshole. She laughs about it now because her intervening the other night and he rebelling against it has created a "kissing my wife's ass" atmosphere all weekend and she loves it. What she doesn't realize is that it won't always be that way. In fact, don't count on it. The novelty will be worn off quickly and it's just going to end up in huge fights instead of him kissing her ass. So she needs to just back off now. She has a completely separate life away from him. Yes they do things together and such, but for the most part she does her own thing. That's why I was so suprised she all of a sudden acted like she did so many years ago, back when she actually thought she could change him. And for her to tell me she almost called me Friday night to come and stay with me? That's huge. He has already started to see medical damage from his alcoholism. To which he slowed down for a while. Apparently his health isn't a big issue. So he keeps right on a goin. I know the day he stops drinking will be the day they put him in a box. And obviously that is what he wants. So far be it from me to say anything different. Yes you can say al you want, but all it does it harbor bad feelings and hurt egos. Forget it. He can kill himself for all I care. Maybe that seems mean but it's a known fact and alcoholic isn't going to stop drinking and be SUCCESSFUL until they want to do it and they are completely ready and committed. I don't believe that will ever happen in his case. Because then he'd have to let go of the control of one thing in his life. And he's a stubborn man. Oh, did I mention he's a cop? Hopefully before he dies an alcholic he'll get a DUI and lose his job. Maybe THAT will wake him up. Although I doubt it. It'll just make him drink more probably. Live by the bottle, die by the bottle.

And I say this when probably right now my family is plotting a "chocolate intervention" with me as we speak. HA HA HA! I'm not perfect, we all have vices. And mine apparently is that I have a big fat ass and cravings for things not on the Weight Watchers menu. But don't worry, I have something in the works for that. Although I wanted to start it this week, financially it's just not the smartest thing to be doing right now. So I may have to go with plan B until I can afford it.

Well that's all the family drama going on right now. I hope things settle down soon and go back to a somewhat normal level.

And my drama for the afternoon is I have to work from 3-11:30 tonight. But it won't be bad. I shouldn't be AS tired when I hit the hay because technically it's still an hour behind. And the best part is I don't have to get up so early in the morning to work as I have the day off. I'll just have to get the kid up for bed which means 2 hours more sleep for me. So it all works out.

I think my cell phone battery is dying a slow death. It needs to be recharged every single day. I'll charge it back up and by the end of the night after minimal phone calls it's almost drained. I may just have to deal with it for a while as getting a new battery can be quite costly. And right now I don't wanna blow $50 on a new cell phone battery. There are far more important things right now than that. The story of my life, I have more time than money. But damn who doesn't these days?

Now I'm off to enjoy the last hour or so of my freedom until I have to work. Hope you all set your clocks forward!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!