Puppets and creepy guys 2005-04-13 6:36 a.m. It's 6:30 am and I have music blasting in here already. That's not a good sign. Or maybe it is. Maybe that's my problem, I need to thoroughly rock out in order to tolerate my job. Which works at home but when I'm onsite they frown upon it a bit. I mean who wants to sit in their own cubicle and listen to me blasting Linkin Park? Or Hoobastank? Oh sometimes I throw in some John Mayer just to calm their nerves a little bit but it usually doesn't help. I just turn it way down so that if my foot isn't on the pedal, I can actually hear a vague sound coming out of my CD player. I know it seems futile but I must have some kind of noise in the background.

I'm wondering if I can sue the Coca Cola company. I mean it's their fault I'm addicted to Diet Coke right? If they didn't make the product I wouldn't drink it. I can go a day without drinking it, though I rarely do. But on the weekends I may not even have one until afternoon and I'm fine with that. So maybe I'm not addicted. Maybe it's just that my tap water tastes like piss so therefore I'm forced to drink it. That would be settled if I drank bottled water, but who wants to do that? I have toilet paper to buy people!

I have now decided that Burger King doesn't want to make a GOOD commercial, they want to make one you'll remember. Well they've hit the nail on the fuckin head now haven't they? Have you seen the latest one? It's where the guy wakes up and looks out his window and standing there is that filty creep Burger King staring right at him. And he opens the window and hands him an omlet sandwich or some damn thing and the dude takes a bite, smiles, continues to eat it and smile through the window to the creepy guy. Let's do the math here. Would you ever open up your window first thing in the morning (who the hell does that? I groan and shuffle to my desk, looking outside is the last thing I wanna be doing, all it does is remind me how fuckin early it is) and see that and not scream? I would. I'd have 911 dialed on my cell phone so fast, that permanent plastic faced fucktard would turn around and run to the nearest McDonalds. But hey, I guess that's why they didn't put me in the commercial isn't it? That's probably because I would be the "if you eat a Whopper every day you could look like this" girl. Anyway, then the cracked out plastic guy gives him food and the dude takes it through the window and eats it!! Would YOU take something from somebody you don't know and eat it? Geez, you might as well just pick up something off the ground and eat it why don't ya?

So therefore I am still going with my original idea, that Burger King just wants to make commercials that you'll remember. And they were successful there. I've spent FAR too much talking about this. So they got me!

I still laugh EVERY TIME though when I see the old commercials, you know the ones that involve all the people who work in the office? When that guy sniffs that chick's burger wrapper. Classic. When the boss has the guy choose a number between 1 and 10 and the guy says 3 and he goes "you're fired". I giggle.

The big plastic guy creeps me out. I'm just sayin....

The other day my sister informed me that she had heard from a co-worker that Elmo was gay. She asked me if I knew anything about it. I have not. I sat there and tried to think of reasons that Elmo would be gay. Couldn't come up with even one. I told her she needs to be more concerned why Bert and Ernie sleep in the same room. Now that's worth some thought!

On the topic of Seaseme Street (how did I get here again?) I heard on the news that Seasme Street is thinking about revamping Cookie Monster's character and image. Because for all these years he's been portrayed as always being on a cookie rampage and that sends a negative message to children, as they should be eating healthy foods and not binging on cookies and other unhealthy foods. COME ON! They are thinking of adding some more healthy characters like carrot sticks and so on. Do you think it's funny if some giant dancing carrot stick is singing about how healthy it is to eat the right foods? Please. Don't mess with perfection man. Don't change the good ole standby TV shows. Go fuck with their minds via the internet, just like everybody else does, geesh! Now I suppose you're gonna tell me Bert and Ernie are straight.

On a serious note, I am completely pysched that my hockey team won their playoff game last night on the road. This makes the series 2-1 now. They play tonight on their own rink. I'm not going but I will be keeping an eye on the game. Go storm!

I think I've spent far too much time here talking about gay puppets and creepy plastic guys so I'd better get back to work. After I turn up the volume.

Seacrest out! Jennie - 2005-04-13 13:40:29
OMG yes i am laughing at the whole entire entry!!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!