I'm your bitch 2005-04-17 2:04 p.m. My cable modem is being a whiny little bitch today. I think it's a bitch slap by karma really. If you knew my circumstances, you would certainly agree. But it does make me extremely nervous because I'm scheduled to work in just 2 hours. I think I'll get ready to go up to the hospital to work just in case. It pisses me off because I have to have an internet connection to do my job. That's right, I'm the cable company's bitch. And every day I hate it.

Yesterday was a beautiful day. I did go to my niece's skating party and yes, I did skate. Albeit it wasn't alot, but I did skate. And I was very quickly reminded that I do in fact have muscles in my legs and hips that I had forgotten about. And I was a bit wobbly at times which just freaked me out because prior to this episode, I had not been. So it says it's been a little too long since I've
skated and really, I should just leave well enough alone.

Travis' three sisters were there too. They are just like family. It's really weird because I know it's my sister's boyfriend's family, but our family has kinda taken them in too. We're a pretty tight knit family. I've taken them in and my mom has a time or two also. It's just what we do. Anyway, his older sister (oldest in the house that is, there's like 9 kids or something) is a junior in high school and last night was her prom. My sister took her to a salon at the mall and got her an up-do. It was very beautiful. She had bought her own prom dress last summer on mad clearance and she had gotten some shoes. What blew me away was the fact that her mom and dad were nowhere to be found, on this day when she goes to her first prom. Isn't that like a mother's dream? You go shopping with your daughter to find the perfect dress, help them get ready with hair and makeup and such? Nope, not in this family. I asked her how she was going to do her makeup. She really didn't know. How many of us out there knew this like a month ahead of time? Even practiced with makeup to make sure we did it right? So I offered to go out there yesterday afternoon with my arsenal (and I'm not exaggerating) of makeup and make some magic happen on her face. She agreed. So out I went carrying my 20 lb makeup bag (okay now I'm exaggerating) and did some cool things for her. I've never seen her with makeup on before. She doesn't ever wear it. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Then we raided her sisters' jewelry boxes as well as her mother's (who is still nowhere to be found) and found her some great bling bling. In the end she put Cinderella to shame. We took her outside and got some pics of her with my sister's digital camera. I will post those when I have access to them.

It still pisses me off about her parents. They weren't home. I mean come on, where was her mother? What in the fuck's name was so much more important than seeing your kid getting ready for her prom? Geesh!

My sister and I were talking about it on the way home from the farm and she said she'd annoy the shit out of Emily with all the pictures she will take. She'll be there every step of the way. And I will too. That's just how you're supposed to do it!

I then came home and was online for a few hours, watched some TV and went to bed. It was just one of those nights I guess.

And I got up very late this morning, took a shower, made some ever so yummy pancakes and here I am.

And if you haven't tried Cherry Blossom yet from Bath & Body Works, RUN there now and get some. It's heavenly. I smell so yummy right now.

So yes, spring is in the air and so are my allergies. I woke up this morning and my eyes are all red and blood shot. Looks like I've gone on a liquored up heroin rampage. They don't even hurt or burn or anything. They looks a lot worse than they feel. Anybody who saw me right now would ask me if I smoked the lettuce last and hadn't gone to sleep since last Tuesday. But I swear officer, I'm clean! Although I love me some spring, allergy season can kiss my ass.

I know, I know, I'm your bitch too.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!