Busy bees up in this place 2005-04-23 4:04 p.m. I'm slackin, sorry. It's just been a nice week and I haven't spent a lot of time online at all. We've been so busy doing things.

Plus Jax has worked all week on my computer, getting all the stuff fixed up. I'm not sure if she's even done yet. It had LOTS of issues. This morning she was just like I was a few weeks ago, she wanted to throw it out the window. And I can't say that I blame her.

We haven't really done a whole lot outside of the house really. Last night we went and rented some DVD's but didn't really watch too much of it as it was pretty late by the time we got them in. We watched out half of The Best of SNL - Will Ferrell.

I worked a grand total of 29.5 hours this week. Thank god for PTO. But still I have really felt like I was on vacation this week. It's been really nice.

Today we all got up and I made a big pancake breakfast then Jax and I decided to clean the whole house. With the two of us going full steam ahead it took about 25-30 minutes. And that's kitchen top to bottom, living room top to bottom, vacuum, bathroom sink, mirror and tub and bedroom. Pretty impressive don't you think?

We decided it was really time for us to finally get out of the house so we all 3 took our showers and got cleaned up, hit the library where we all got a book and then hit Walmart and looked at curtains for my bedroom. We ran home, had some sandwiches for lunch then went and washed my car. It was such a nice afternoon.

Now those two brats are back in the bedroom playing Sims on the computer. Jax got it fixed. So they are back in their own little world where I am left in here. All alone.

Shit don't feel bad for me one bit. Don't cry for me Argentina. I'm reading US Weekly, typing this and watching Poker Superstars on NBC. It doesn't get any better than this.

I'm going to make a nice big supper tonight we decided. Lasanga, a nice salad, garlic bread and something yummy for dessert. What a great day.

I will admit, I've had a few melt downs in the last days. In fact I had a big one last night. But I'm over it. I feel better about it all. And of course my rock is here, yelling at me when I need it, comforting me when it's necessary or just telling me to get over it. She once said I needed to pay her to yell at me once a month. Very true. I get all down and out and weepy about how bad I think my life sucks and she snaps me back into place REAL quick. Tells me about how good I have it and how it could be worse and always points out the great things about me and my life. By then, I'm calmed down, my eyes have dried and I'm usually laughing. And then I walk away with the thought "You know, my life really isn't that bad". Job done. Till the next time of course. But I digress....

And with that I'm out. Gotta finish watching my poker all-stars and think about making supper.

Have a great weekend!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!