Just the beginning, she said to herself... 2005-05-03 9:30 p.m. One word describes how I am feeling right this moment......


I went up to the college today to register for school and find out all the ins and outs of this program and what I can expect. Here's what I can expect....

My daughter and I will be graduating from school at about the same time. I'm not exaggerating. Pretty much as soon as I get all my gen ed in and meet all the requirements to get into the program, I will more than likely be starting in the Fall of 2008. Yep, that's not a typo. I said 200 fucking 8. So the good news is by the time I actually get into the nursing program, I'll have a shit load of classes already under my belt. Which just rocks. But the bad news is.....THAT WILL BE IN 2008!

*takes a deep breath*

I found out the entrance test I will need to take. It's similar to the ACT. I came home and we printed off a sample test for me to take just to see where I'm at.

Here's the shit part of it.

English - 12/15 right
Reading - 9/10 right
Science - 5/5 right


Math 2/12 right

So basically I suck at math but everything else I'm good to go on. I didn't even guess on some of the math questions. I sat there with my mouth hanging open, eyes wide with fear and my hands shaking like the wind. I don't know what the fuck anything means.

I mean, it HAS been 16 years since I've had math, that probably don't help. But still....

So I've worked out some of the problems, Jax has explained a few to me, and there are still some I have no clue how they arrived at an answer. So I'll be polishing up on math for sure. Scientific notations, Pythagorean theorms, etc. WTF is a scientific notation and where was I the day they taught that??????

It definitely gives me a good idea of what to expect for the test and what to expect over the next 259 years that I will be going to school. I will need pep talks, I know that. I'm feeling overwhelmed already and I haven't even started. I need to know that it's all worth it, and that when I graduate when I'm 78 I'll still have lots of good years left to actually practice the career I'm pursuing.

I filled out all the Financial Aid BS and paperwork and all I need is my high school transcripts, a copy of my signed 2003 and 2004 W2's and then I'll be set.

Wish me luck ya'll, I'll certainly need it. I need to just never lose this fire that I have right now, that will keep me going for sure!

And today at work proved to be interesting. It's pretty well known that a certain man at work I loathe...who also happens to be an IT guy, one of the main contacts we use for support and such. So, the fact that I cringe at the very sight of him makes it rather difficult to perform my duties or call on him when I need help. So today he was kissing the ass of a new girl and it was so blatant and disgusting I nearly lost my breakfast. He ended up buying her breakfast then made the smart ass comment "You need to be nice to me, I'll be your long distance support". So let me interpret that statement for you, from his perspective....

"I am a giant ego maniac, fat ass fuckhead and everybody hates me....I act like I know it all and I never fail to try to make you look stupid all the while just trying to make myself look smarter than you because in reality I have no self esteem and I can't get a woman so therefore I'll buy your biscuits and gravy this morning, so you will like me and think I'm all great and then maybe I'll have one friend in this department".

See how that works?????

So he was in the department a few hours later trying to convince himself we think he's riveting and funny and that we enjoy his company and he walked over to me and pulled the clip out of my hair and then laughed. I was very annoyed by it but it wasn't that big of a deal. Well my boss found out and was PISSED. Asked me if she could write him up for sexual harrassment. I told her I didn't find anything sexual about it (and I never WOULD coming from this guy) and that he was just trying to annoy me. She just hates him too and really just wants to find a good excuse to get him in trouble. Which is fine with me but still. I don't think she filed a report about it but it did launch us all into a 15 minute discussion of how much of an asshole he is to the new girl. Aren't we just gems?

I have a feeling we must all be having PMS at the same time.

And every morning when I arrive at 6:30 Ms. Everybody-Is-All-Out-To-Screw-Me is also arriving for her day. So you can imagine how enjoyable that is. I just love starting out my day hearing her bitch about how the whole hospital, the government and really the whole human race in general is out to get her. Believe me, I could write an entire entry just about her. And maybe some day I'll do just that.

I came home tonight to a message on my answering machine from this gal who wants to interview me for a job I applied for a week or two ago. Oh shit. Now I don't want the job because I'm going back to school and my current boss is extremely willing to work around my school schedule. So I'll have to call her back and decline. It's a shame too because it would be a job I'd love to have. It's the secretary at a Pyschiatry office. It would be lovely but I know it probably doesn't pay as well as I am making now and I know they probably aren't flexible with school and such. It's 8:30 to 5:00 Monday through Friday. And I'm quite sure they are pretty strict on that. Oh well. I do believe everything happens for a reason.

I'm done ranting for the night. Now I'm off to dream of obtuse triangles, the value of x and the Pythagorean theorm. See? I probably can't even spell that shit right. How am I gonna solve those problems?

I'm going to get chocolate....then head to bed.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!