Mother Nature is a raging bitch 2005-05-12 9:17 p.m. What a freakin 24 hours. Mother Nature has been a ragin bitch lately up in this place.

You saw all the storm pics from Tuesday night. Yeah that was a wild ride. But I did not imagine just what we'd go through the next night.

Sit back and allow me to show you what I've been through.

It started raining extremely hard last night. We ran to the grocery store quick. While we were in there, golf ball sized hail. In between we got in the car and drove home in the already flooding streets. This was about 8:45 last night. The rain was just coming down in sheets. I've never seen it rain so hard. Then around 11:00 came round 2 of hail. All of my windows were leaking. The one here in my bedroom, very bad. I covered everything in towels, put a bucket on the window sill and hoped for the best.

Got up this morning and went to work, jumping in my car and not realizing what I was about to come upon.


People lost electricity, had vehicles damaged, windows broken out from the high winds and hail, flooding basements, streets at this point are being closed because this town is basically one big river.

So needless to say there have been more than just a few pictures taken of this this morning and this evening. See, we've been in a major drought for literally years now. And getting 10.21 inches of rain in just a few hours makes it extremely difficult.

And now for the fun part, the fun pictures!

This is Golden Corral or what was Golden Corral really. It's a big buffet type of restaurant for those who aren't familiar with it. The water was well up to the windows and the parking lot was nowhere to be found.

This would be the high school I graduated from. School was called off today at all schools.

This is what I now call "Lake McDonald's". McDonalds was actually closed part of the day can you believe it? This used to be a detention cell, a road and the parking lot of a grocery store.

Must suck to be the person who owns this van.

So tonight my sister calls to tell me THE place to be tonight is in the Shopko parking lot. It's completely flooded and apparently a large group had congregated there this evening. There was a news van there and lots of macho men in their pickup trucks and jeeps going through water up to their windows and hoping they didn't stall. So of course we had to take some pics of that and also do some jeepin of our own. Here is the news van.

Here is one intersection. This has been closed all day.

We get to Shopko and the scene is a lot like this.

So we tried to do a little jeepin ourselves.

Then the cops showed up because what else would you expect with a parking lot full of rednecks swimming in dirty water with their dogs, trying to outredneck your buddy in your jeep and blasting your car stereo? He was a nice cop I hear, just told people they were loitering.

That's all I'm going to post tonight. This entry has already taken me an hour. I have more pictures of other great things. Hell I also have a dentist horror story to tell from my experience at the dental office today. But I'll save all that for tomorrow. I've barely slept these last few nights because of the weather and such. And of course more family drama so I gotta be scootin along.

If you take your pickup truck and drive it through a flooded Shopko parking lot to impress your girlfriend, you might be a redneck.

Redneck out.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!