Weekend Update plus Miss Negativitiy 2005-05-15 11:27 a.m. Where did my weekend go? Looks like I haven't opened this up again for a few days, sue me.

Friday night was supposed to be a fun filled night, we were going to go to a USBL game in Kearney, grab something to eat over there, etc. Until I found out I'm completely broke (DAMN YOU BILLS!) and decided not to go. So we stayed home watched a movie and watched TV and just hung out. Yesterday consisted of doing a litle shopping (if you call buying toilet paper, thumb tacks and new foamie thingies for my work headphones "shopping"). Watched "The Notebook" again yesterday afternoon. I haven't seen it since the day it debuted in the theaters. So I was anxious to see it again. And yes, it was just as good as the first time I saw it and yes I cried. Last night we watched an "America's Next Top Model" marathon on VH1 then SNL and time for bed. I usually always watch the ANTP marathons on VH1 right before the finale because I don't get that UPN channel so I can't watch them as they air them. That also means I"ll miss Kevin and Britney's reality TV show, unless they decide to air that on a different channel as well. Most people would not want to watch it. I mean let's face it, that chick is psycho and wicked stupid. But me, I'll watch it if I get the chance. It's like watching a train wreck. You know you shouldn't be watching it but you can't turn away. That's how I am with all celebrity reality TV shows. With the exception of "The Simple Life" with Paris "mega overexposed" Hilton and Nicole Ritchie. I don't watch it. I watched the first season when it was still a funny concept. Now, it's played out, much like Paris Hilton's sex life. I'm so over it. Now if only Paris Hilton would fall off the face of the earth I'd be a happy camper. But Joey doesn't always get what she wants does she?

Today hasn't consisted of too much. I've studied a bit for my college entrance exam that I will take on Thursday night of this week. I have realized I know nothing about math and will probably flunk that portion and have to take 123 math courses. But it's all good.

And today I work 3=11:30 so that should really suck. But I'm working from home so that makes me mega happy. I'll tape my TV shows as Sunday night is MY night of TV and then I'll get tomorrow off. You can't beat that. AFter that, only 2 days of work onsite and then I'm back to being home, where I belong. And where I hopefully will stay for years to come.

I don't think I can take another week of Miss Negativity. I never realized just how bad it was. I'm SO over it. If I hear this 57 y/o woman go off one more time using the F word and talking about how everyone thinks we are stupid because we're women and bitching about how sucky of a place this is to work (get a new job bitch) then I'm seriously going to go postal. She is by far the most bitter woman I have ever met. Hands down. And I thought my ex Eric's mom won that award. Oh boy, she hasn't met Miss Negativity. MN really should write a book. Or teach seminars or something. She brings "the glass is half emtpy" to a brand new low. I hate to say this but you know what? The world will be a better place when she kicks the bucket. She just oozes negativity from her every pore. And I don't like it one bit.

And I won't even START about how her two sons are like 25 and 35 with families and wives of their own and she STILL supports them. She paid out some of her inheritance to pay for them starting up their own business which was basically dead in the water. And now she's got huge debts because of them. Or how she'll take all of her savings to pay medical bills for her kids and she's wearing the same ole worn out clothes she's worn for years. I don't get it.

ENABLE much?

Okay I'm done with that. I'm like a little kid who was distracted by a shiny object. Heads up poker is on NBC. And we all know I love me some poker!!! My lifelong dream would be to win the lottery then spend the rest of my life playing in Texas Hold 'Em tournaments.

I'm out.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!