Tomorrow is the day!!!! 2005-05-17 7:29 p.m. Let's all say it together now. One more day. One more day. One more day.

Yes that's right. Tomorrow is the last day I have to work in that god forsaken negative attitude of a work place.

Miss Negativity and I got into a good one today. Bitch wouldn't back down. But she did shut up so that was good enough for me. The other gal who I think is really starting to have negative because she sits next to Miss Negativity and it's obviously contagious is starting to act like her too. I put that lady in her place too and she told me afterwards "You know Joey, you are right". You better fuckin A believe I'm right.

It started innocently enough. We were discussing a certain doctor and how he's hard to understand. It went from there to "He's self-centered and a male chauvinist pig". *Joey's eyes as big as plates" So I say "How do YOU know he's a male chauvenist pig" To which she tells me he's a doctor and every single doctor is self-centered and ALL self-centered people are male chauvenist pigs. EXCUSE ME? Did I just hear that right? So then I said "So you are telling me that every doctor hates women???" And she tells me "I'm sure they all do". That's fuckin bullshit. By then my boss walked in, listened intently, smiled at me like "You give her hell girl" and walked out. I told her what she had said was incredibly unfair and stupid. After that she shut up. And the other gal told me I was right.

She also swears that the reason why the IT department "hates us" (which they don't but they can be a pain in the ass) is because we are women.

Let me tell you, that chick sets feminism back about 50 years.

So after the big blow out I went to my boss's office and sat down and I told her that whoever came up with the idea to come onsite if your productivity drops....FUCKING GENIUS!!! She laughed her ass off. She knew what I meant. Meaning we'd all make damn well sure our productivity stays up at home because won't wanna have to work with that psychotic, enabling, ridiculous, bitchy idiot.

Boy aren't I just full of sunshine and roses today? Really, those people are getting to me. Now I know why I'm at home.

Last night we walked over to my friend Jennifer's apartment. She lives down the road from me, actually right across the street from our building we work in. Her apartment is up on the third floor but it's a loft apartment and absolutely adorable. Perfect for her.

Today she came running into my office and invited me to an American Idol finale party. I've never been to one of those before! Mickey, a guy in IT (wow he's a man and doesn't hate us) is planning it at Bullwinkle's Bar and Grill (never been there) and I guess it's gonna be a bunch of the people from our work there kicking back, drinking a few brews and watching Carrie (crosses fingers) win it. Should be fun. I agreed to go and she jumped up and down, smiled and clapped her hands so I guess that meant it was good I was going. Look at me all going out with friends and watching the American Idol finale with people!

I swear to God if anybody mentions this party to Miss Negativity or Fat Bastard who also works in IT I'm going to be pissed. I don't want to see either one of them.

Wow only one more day and I won't be bitching about work anymore. Aren't you all glad? I sure am!!!

Mmmmmmmm banana runts.

Awwww American Idol calls. Peace out!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!