Tears and a picnic 2005-05-22 11:23 p.m. Has anybody got that light saber for me yet? I'm still waiting.

Today was a beautiful day. So beautiful in fact, we decided to pack a lunch and go have a picnic. We got all our goodies packed up in my little cooler and off we went to one of our big parks here. It was such a gorgeous day and I swear sandwiches and chips just taste better when you eat them at a picnic table out in the sun. There were lots of people there today doing the same thing. They have grills at the park and boy did those hamburgers and hot dogs smell great! Next time we are going to go crash those parties and get us some real picnic food. Nonetheless, it was nice. Then we walked over to this HUGE kids playground and watched the kids play, watched Cass run around and better yet, we even climbed around on the stuff ourselves. Yes we are all big kids at heart right? I must say it was fun and I have tons of pics, I just don't have them uploaded yet.

I still haven't come down from my Star Wars high yet. I finished watching "Lord of the Rings" this morning. All I can say about it was I didn't hate it. I've been told I have to see the 2nd and 3rd movies as they are better than the first. Maybe someday. I don't know. I can still going on living without seeing the other two. I don't know, just wasn't my thing or something. But I watched it with an open mind, when I said I'd never watch them!!!

Cass n Jax made a wonderful supper this evening. Since I worked tonight they were in charge of supper. Cass made bean burgers or "barf burgers" as we know them. Jax made homemade potato salad. Then we added some chips and voila a supper! Both of them were excellent! I can't wait to eat the potato salad tomorrow when it's cold. It was warm at supper but still good. We've been eating so darn well lately and sometimes that's not a good thing. But I can say at least we aren't eating fast food every meal. I cook so much more and it's really nice.

Did anybody else see "Extreme Makeover:Home Edition" tonight? Did anybody else cry their eyes out? I did. Anytime Ty cries I lose it. But I cry all the time, even when Ty doesn't. I'm such a sucker for that show!! I have Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy on tape but have not seen them both in full yet. Although I'm pissed at Dr. McDreamy and have to wait like 4 more months for an explanation! Typical fucking man!

I dreampt of monsters last night. Who can blame me? Star Wars and Lord of the Rings? I woke up around 1:30 with the most wicked headache and feeling scared because I dreampt of hiding under a desk in an office building because monsters were trying to break in and get me.

My God I need to stop watching TV.

I also had a second dream about one particular nonexistent person in my life which just reconfirms how I feel. And that made me feel great.

Like I said, I dreampt about monsters.

Time for bed for this girl. Tomorrow is a big day. Gotta go sign up for classes. I've changed my mind about the back pack idea. Although I'd LOVE a Louis Vuitton bag I know that is a pipe dream. So now I'm setting my sights on something more realistic. I want a Star Wars back pack. Preferably with Hayden Christensen naked on it with nothing but a light saber and smile.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!