Carrie Underwood you rock 2005-05-26 7:01 a.m.

Awww there she is! I went out with a couple of people last night to a little hole in the wall place that has flat screen TVs in each booth and watched the American Idol finale. The service was horrendous. The food was just okay. But dammit watching the TV show in our own booth and the fact that they didn't charge us for half of our drinks was worth it!!!

I loved the entire show and the "show" that the 3 judges did called "Bad Judgement"??? Fucking classic. Take THAT you skeezie, sell out motherfucker Corey Clark! (Damn where did THAT come from??)

I voted for Carrie so I was happy to see her win. Really, I would have been happy either way as I really like Bo too. This was the first season for me that I would have been happy either way. They are both gonna get record deals so no biggie there.

Is anybody else already annoyed with the new Backstreet Boys song yet or is it just me? Damn how did I enjoy them years ago? Now they annoy the living shit out me. As much as I loved me some NSync, boy bands just really need to stay in the past where they belong. You served your purpose, thanks guys. Now go pound a few beers because you're finally legal and leave me to await the new single by Bo Bice coming to a radio new you. Thank you.

School offically gets out for Cass today. I always hate this time of year I admit. Double grocery bills, hearing the constant nagging of "I'm bored" all summer long and my house trashed. If that doesn't sound like sheer excitement I don't know what does!

Well shit, I guess I'd better get back to work now. Congrats Carrie! You'll be a huge success in the country world in my opinion. Hell I may even have to go out and buy a *gasp* country album so I can listen to your music. But it's all good.

And before I go, go read This diary, she sums up about how I feel about the whole Tom Cruise thing, especially when it comes to him making a total jackass out of himself about a few things. And now I'm out! biodtl - 2005-05-26 09:24:17
Thanks for the nice comment. I don't mind you linking to me one bit. I'm gonna hang around and read up on yours now.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!