Remember to remember 2005-05-29 11:07 p.m. I have Algebra on my brain right now. I've been studying it for the last 3 solid hours. Ask me a yes or no question and I'm bound to tell you that x + 3 = y. So really, don't bother tonight.

It's been a very long and somewhat bizarre weekend.

Most of it revolved around my mom's garage sale. We got there around 8:30 or so and got out of there at 5 or so. It was a long day. We did the usual, sold pop and water, baked goods and other whatnot. Mom cleaned up. Cass and I didn't do so well but we are just there to get rid of our stuff so it's all good.

Jax picked up a little fish bowl and all the stuff that goes with it for Cass. We decided we'll get her a fish. We headed to Walmart last night and we found that the male guppies are pretty cool looking. So we brought him home and got him settled into his new home. At that point Jax was researching guppies online and found out they are social fish so we decided he needed a friend. By now, Jax has named him Brian. Why? I don't know. Well I do know but nobody who reads this would understand. So anyhoo...the walmart fish dude was quite a character last night. We nicknamed him Fishbowl Bob. So you can imagine when we went back today to get another one he remembered us and started razzing us pretty good. At one point he just put his head in his hands and shook his head. That's what Fishbowl Bob gets for dealing with us. We're all serious and shit about our $2.66 guppies man. Before we left he asked us if we were sisters. Ummmmm no. Beings I have a midwestern accent (is there such a thing?) and she has an Okie accent. But okay Fishbowl Bob. I think he's been snorting the fish flakes personally but whatever.

So guppy #2 made it home with us today and we put him in the bowl as well. They are just happy as larks. I went and picked up Cass and brought her home and she saw the fish and decided their names would be Bo and Constantine. So there you have it. How long will B & C live? Who knows.

As soon as I get the internet back in my room I'll upload the pics of them and post them here.

Long story short........I can't get the internet in my bedroom. I tell her my wireless network adapter is fried. She doesn't believe me. She spends 2-3 hours Friday night checking everything, redoing the settings, running a restore, etc and what does she say afterwards? Yep, the adapter is probably fried. Uh, coulda saved you about 3 hours and a complete system restore there but okay. She is still going to work on it tomorrow, I guess thinking maybe it will magically work again. I asked her if I could laugh and point and say "I told you so" when she concludes for the 2nd time it's that my adapter is fried. She said I could. So you bet my ass I will!

Cass and I went to several different cemetaries today with my mom, visiting the graves and placing flowers on them. I got to see some graves I hadn't seen before and a few I haven't seen in a few years like my dad's mom. I put some flowers on her grave. And I got to see the graves of both of my great-grandparents. My one set had a bunch of German writing on it. They came over from Frank, Russia (a German colony in Russia) and never spoke a word of English the whole time they were here. My grandpa learned English and would interpret for them. So hard to believe that someone in my family spoke nothing but German. And I know 3 German phrases. I guess I'd better work on that huh?

That's been the very short version of the weekend. It was nice and relaxing I guess. Not quite relaxing in the way I'd normally be relaxed, but relaxed nonetheless.

And while I have variables and exponents and terminating variables in my mind, I'd like to get some sleep.

Good night and Joey + pillow = some damn fine sleep.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!