The sun will come out tomorrow 2005-06-02 10:12 p.m. Today is my Friday! Well relating to work anyways.

I was so damn busy today I never sat down and relaxed one bit. And it's now 10:12 PM and I'm still running.

After work I ran and got my hair cut (an inch and a half YAY!) and go the ole eyebrows waxed. I looked like an old jewish rabbi again and let me tell you, it was not pleasant. So here's to ripping half my eyebrows off today!

We shopped some and got Cass a few pairs of shorts for the trip and a new wireless modem adapter. My other adapter pooped out on me. It sucks because those things are anywhere from $40-60 a pop. I just bought one in February. I hope to shout this isn't a trend. I can't afford to do this every few months. And YES I was right, it was what I thought it was!!!!! Oh wireless internet how I love thee. You are expensive but worth every dime I pay for you!!!

I did something today that I haven't done in, I don't know, years probably. I got my checkbook all caught up, bought all the stuff I needed for my trip, paid ALL MY MOTHERFUCKING BILLS and I still have some left. And I'm still expecting more money in the next day or so. I mean I paid off every bill for this month on the 2nd!!! And all the other little piddly one time bills. And my rent. And my car insurance. Everything. Absofuckinglutely.

And I still have money left!!! And a good amount too!!! So now I'll have a bigger chunk to take with me this weekend than I thought I would. Right now I'm feeling really damn good about it all.

*closes eyes and sighs* I'm relishing it because believe me, next week I'll be scraping for grocery money until I get paid again. Happens every month. But I think finally I may have gotten myself out of a hole for now. Only time will tell.

*coughs* Ummmmm thanks Jax.

Thus why I am going back to school, where my income will at the very least double. No more living paycheck to paycheck anymore. I can have a *gasp* savings account. I can be a single mom and afford to get us stuff when we need it, stuff a little away, afford nicer Christmas presents and such. And the biggest thing I'll be proud of is the fact that I did it ALL BY MYSELF.

And by the time I'm making big bucks and wanting to spend a little on me and have nice stuff............Cassidy will be starting college and fuck all *my* stuff. Damn it!!! Will I pay every dime for my kid to go to college? Hellllllllllll no. That is what pell grants and scholarships are for. And that is also what her father is for who makes probably 3 times what I make, add to that a wife with a Master's Degree who makes at least double if not more than I do. They'd better reach into their deep pockets too.

Okay I'm getting a bit ahead of myself here. Let's just get her through the flippin 6th grade, GOSH! (Napolean Dynamite)

I found out tonight that my father has been diagnosed with diabetes. It's really no big surprise. Both of my grandmother's had it, my dad's uncles had it, and my brother has it. We're all destined to get it someday. I've had the test for it a few months back after I heard my brother was diagnosed and I am fine (so far). He has lost TONS of weight (like 40-60 pounds if I remember right) and he had been undergoing lots of tests and whatnot to find the cause. Diabetes. Makes sense.

It's time to scoot onto bed, I'm completely exhausted. It's going to be a long ass day tomorrow with a 6:30 AM wake up call on Saturday morning. Thank goodness I have all of Sunday to relax and veg out.

And let us all wish our Jaxxie a good farewell. I'm leaving tomorrow morning and she's leaving Saturday morning to head on down the road to her next stop (Iowa) for a bit then back home to Oklahoma. Hopefully by the time she gets home she'll have her house bought, paid for and ready to move into. And then the next time she comes up here it will be for good. and then I'll NEVER see her because she'll be holed up in her office 24/7 working. And I'll have to go over there and put a mirror under her nose to make sure she is still breathing.

So with that, I'm outtie and please....

Vote for Pedro.

Thank you and goodnight!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!