C.H.I.P.S. and chips 2005-06-09 11:57 a.m. Sometimes having your stepdad be a cop is such an advantage. You know, like when he's in between episodes of getting drunk and being an asshole. Anyway....

I apparently ran a stop sign last. I very much dispute that. I did sorta stop. I like to call those "rolling stops". I turned onto the road and the next thing I know a motorcycle cop who looked nothing like Ponch or John whipped around into my lane and was pulling me over. I must mention I've only been pulled over twice in my life. One was in 1990 in my senior year of high school and one was about 2 years ago. After I go over the humiliation of being seen being pulled over by a C.H.I.P.S. type of cop I took out my registration, driver's license and proof of insurance. He walked up to my car and immediately I knew him. I went to high school with him and he's a good friend of my stepdad's (They are in the Blue Knights together which is a motorcycle "gang" of sorts that are for cops and they go on rides and to functions together). I gasped when I grabbed my registration, realizing it was expired 05/31. I think I startled him a bit but I fessed up and told him about it. I moved and I never received that card in the mail that said they were due. Not that that is an excuse but still..... He came back with my stuff and I got a warning for the "rolling stop" and I have 5 days to get my registration current. He then asked me if my husband Corky (we will have the same last name) still worked at so and so. I said, oh you mean my ex-husband? He just said yes and just laughed. Then I told him who my stepdad was and he started laughing and said "tell him hi, thank GOD I didn't give you a ticket" and I said "yeah really" and off I went. Nothing like getting pulled over by Officer Poncharelli and then laughing and bullshitting by the time it was over. Goes to show that not all cops are alcoholic assholes. And thank God for that.

I've lost two pounds and I look and feel so much better and my clothes fit so much better and I'm a new woman.

Okay that's all bullshit. I'm still fat and nothing has changed with the exception that I have lost 2 pounds. Hooray for me.

And dammit I'm hungry all the time. I had to actually get out of bed last night and get something to eat before I could go to sleep. Who does that? I was starving and was developing a headache. And it was late enough as it was (after 1:30 AM) but I was okay with that, I'm always willing to be there for my friends. (Love ya T!)

22 hours into the Wacko Jacko watch and doesn't sound like there will be a verdict anytime soon. Just get it over with already. Announce he's a smooth criminal, tell him to beat it, lock his child molesting ass up and let's move on with life. There are more important things out there to be fixated on dammit! Like Britney Spears' ever growing tummy, bad weave, crusty face and ever lovin cheeto addiction. GOSH!

In other useless celebrity news, I'm not 100% convinced that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are truly a couple. Laugh at me if you dare. I tend to not believe a darn thing until it is officially confirmed by the person themselves. But I guess the whole point I wanted to make about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.....who gives a flying fuck. I'm so over it. And I was never under it to begin with.

And last night I was watching my ever beloved WPT and I got to watch my man, Gus Hansen in action. I don't know what it is with him. I am completely drawn to him. He's hot, in a sort of "just finished chemotherapy" sort of way. I think it's because he's such a good player. He doesn't play the cards. He plays the players. He isn't afraid to go all in on a bluff and I've seen him win a tournament by picking off every single player by himself. That's talent people. He's from Copenhagen, Denmark which I had no idea about. He does have a bit of an accent there but not much. Anyway, Gus you rule, you make me drool, you are poker's jewel.

Ahhhhhhhhh I'm starving. Must.find.food.

I'm all in.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!