What I'd do for a shovel and a garbage bag 2005-06-17 11:37 p.m. If I could get away with murder (literally) hide the body and be 100% sure I wouldn't get caught I would have done it.

Of course I say this half jokingly. (Or am I???)

I'm supposed to leave tomorrow on my trip. Things are still up in the air yet, even at this time of night. But regardless I'm as ready to go as I can right now. The rest isn't up to me. So, I decided I'd better make arrangements to do something with Cass tomorrow since our flight is scheduled to leave tomorrow afternoon in a city that is two hours away. Well heaven forbid I'd ask her asshole father to take her a day early. My mom was out of town and me, being the apparent moron that I am, didn't think it would be an issue. I mean they are leaving on Sunday to go on a huge week long vacation so they wouldn't have any big plans right??? Wrong. So when he said no he couldn't take her tomorrow, I did the next best thing. And it would have worked out perfectly.

I had made arrangements to take Cass with me to Omaha tomorrow and she would spend the night with my dad and stepmom who live there and then they would drop her off at asshole's her dad's hotel room Sunday night. Perfect solution right???? Wrong again.

So by this time Cass has herself all worked up after she left a message on his answering machine about her spending the night with my dad. She was crying for a lot of the evening, comtemplating the yelling at that her asshole father was going to do when he called back. He called back around 10:30 yelling and screaming at her, getting her all upset and wanting her to answer questions that she didn't even know the information to. Like, how long did I know I was going on this trip? Where was I going? Why was I doing this to him on such short notice, blah blah blah.

By this time Cass is yelling and screaming back, crying and completely upset. I'm getting concerned at this point and the next thing I know she flies into the living room with the phone saying he wants to talk to me. Be calm Joey. That's what I kept telling myself the whole time. Be calm. Of course he came at me guns cocked and loaded. He started screaming at me about it all and how DARE I ask him to take her when it's MY weekend and why was I ruining THEIR vacation by asking him to do this? Huh???? Did I miss something here? I kept completely calm the whole time. He demanded and explanation. I told him as soon as he calmed down and acted like the adult I knew he could, I would explain. I started in about it all and he started calming down a bit. Was he still pissed off at me? Yes he was. I told him the situation, explained what was going on and told him that I had made the best arrangements for everyone concerned and that was that. He still wasn't pleased. He put me on hold for a few minutes then came back and said that he'd come get her in the morning. All of a sudden he can take her tomorrow. How amazing!!!! *rolls eyes*

After he shut up and I spoke calmly to him and he stopped yelling and screeching at me I laid into him about getting his daughter all wound up and upset and scared to death to call him because this is how she gets treated every time. It wasn't a big deal. I wasn't ruining their precious family vacation. All I was doing was saying that instead of them picking her up on Sunday and taking her to OMaha, she would already be there and they could meet my dad at the hotel where they were staying (not inconveniencing them AT ALL). Oh nooooooooooooooooo. So after I got hung up on (he much enjoys doing that) he called back within 5 minutes and apologized to Cass for yelling at her and getting her all upset. She said he apologized over and over.

Holy asshole batman! You mean I was actually right about something? Mark this day down in history. HE was the one who got all bent out of shape and I was the one to stay calm. He had no reason to keep yelling and screaming, because I wasn't. How dare I talk some sense into him and calm him down like that????

It's been 9 years. I mean get the fuck over it already. I get it, you don't like me. Why, I don't know why. It's not like I was the one who cheated, but I digress. I just get so fucking sick and tired of every little thing that involves me has to be turned into a huge ass issue. He still gets to go on his vacation, nothing at all has changed. But yet I was ruining it by asking her to come a day early *gasp* when it was *my* weekend to have her!!!! Well asshole, if we're gonna get technical here, YOUR night is Wednesday and that is it during the week, how DARE you take her the other days of the week when it's MY time with her? Yeah, see how fucking stupid that is? My God he just needs to get over himself already. Only 8 more years till she's 18 Joey, only 8 more years.

So in closing, if I could get away with murder, I probably would have done it by now. If not, tonight would have looked VERY promising. THen try to take your family to Disney World!


Whoa that felt good. I bottled all the anger I wanted to unleash on him and apparently saved it for my entry. Oh well, that was the right thing to do. It's getting to be hard for me to get excited about *my* trip when I had to endure all of this unnecessary drama this evening. I'm so sick of all of the drama with him. 9 years now it's been going on. 9 fucking long years. GET OVER IT!!! Ingrid - 2005-06-18 01:42:40
Sadly it does last until the child is an adult. My son is 19 now and the only way his father and I can be civil to one another is to never, ever speak again. Somehow I still get blamed for his whole life, even though he cheated on me, he abused me, he didn't take his son, he didn't pay child support, didn't parent, etc. Yep, I sure did a number ruining his life of freedom.
Jennie - 2005-06-19 11:31:23
8 more years? Not to burst your bubble but you got see him at her wedding and all the grand kids events shit you are screwed!
Jennie - 2005-06-20 16:37:58
you need a bottle of tide and hefty sacks!! Did I send you that email??? You would be laughing if you knew it!

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A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!