Funny shit and memories 2005-06-20 12:36 a.m. Ahhhh tonight brings back to many memories. Back in the days when I didn't work at 5:30 AM and I could stay up and talk about stupid and useless shit with Terri online until we both couldn't keep our eyes open.....

TLKGI says:
ok....i am gonna designate you the camp counselor and activites director
TLKGI says:
Joey says:
no problem!!!!!
Joey says:
as long as you don't mind me teaching your teenagers how to play poker ha ha ha
TLKGI says:
lmao! not at probly need someone who can kick ur butt anyway!! lol
Joey says:
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh them's fightin words!!!!
Joey says:
i watch poker 24/7 on TV man i am unbeaten lol
Joey says:
and i play on all the time
Joey says:
and i have a very unhealthy crush on gus hansen, he's my desktop on this computer lol
TLKGI says:
you are a sick sick puppy!!
Joey says:
it could be worse right???
TLKGI says:
well yeah...
Joey says:
beware of my fascination with making lists though lol
Joey says:
i may just come out there with a list, a clipboard and my whistle
TLKGI says:
Joey says:
just call me julie......just like the activities director on love boat ha ha ha
TLKGI says:
crack of dawn ur wakin us all up to go on some adventure!!
Joey says:
Joey says:
ummmmmm i don't get up to do anything at the butt crack of dawn if i'm off lol
TLKGI says:
yeah me either...its like noon if i can!
Joey says:
Joey says:
i'll have to go get some wine coolers or something too
Joey says:
nothing like a drunk bossy chick with a whistle!!!! lol
TLKGI says:
you blow that thing at me and i will yank it from ya and shove it somewhere where the love boat dont go!!
Joey says:
Joey says:
should i call you gopher or captain stubing?
Joey says:
or isaak?
Joey says:
i know there's a black bartender in you somewhere.....
TLKGI says:
hell yeah...izaack!
Joey says:
well we'll make tiff get everything for us so we'll her gopher lol
TLKGI says:
Joey says:
kim will have to be captain stuebing lol
Joey says:
or she can be zsa zsa gobor, the swanky lady who guest starred on that show a million times lol
Joey says:
and apparently i'm a major goober tonight thinking up this stuff
TLKGI says:
yeah cuz we all know that kim is the fashion queen!
Joey says:
see! we're set lol
Joey says:
now i gotta go find some love boat pics lol
TLKGI says:
im the love machine bartender!
Joey says:
Bartender Isaac Washington
Joey says:
there's your name yo
Joey says:
Susie, Loveboat Mermaid (1985-1986) (as Deborah Bartlett)
Joey says:
there are love boat mermaids???
Joey says:
oh shit, it was charo who always guest starred
TLKGI says:
well i dont know any spanish except enuf to get me into i cant be her!
Joey says:
no i meant kim lol
Joey says:
all you have to do to be charo is shake your boob and say "cha cha cha" lol
TLKGI says
oh....! gotcha!
TLKGI says:
tiff is reading all this and she is laughing her butt off at us!!
Joey says:
TLKGI says:
she's like...what is love boat?
Joey says:
Joey says:
she's never heard of love boat?
Joey says:
the love boatttttttttttttttttttttttt soon we'll be making another runnnnnnnnnn
TLKGI says:
no...shes never seen it
Joey says:
the love boattttttttttttttttt there's always something for everyoneeeeeeeee
Joey says:
damn girl was born 20 years too late
Joey says:
i bet if i went
Joey says:
da plane da plane!!! she'd be like what???
Joey says:
come on, what's not to love about hairy midgets?
TLKGI says:
omfg! you got me rollin on the floor here woman!!!
Joey says:
i say, if you don't have a tv show with a midget in's just not good TV
TLKGI says:
tiff watches prince of bel-air and carlton is a midget she says!!
Joey says:
Joey says:
she's never seen tattoo then!!!
Joey says:
now THAT'S a midget!!!
Joey says:
alfonso robero is not a midget, he's just a short little man who micheal jackson probably molested too
TLKGI says:
hes an ugly mo fo too!!
Joey says:
oh yeah but back in the day when he was into MJ and did the moonwalk and wore the red jacket with all the zippers, i loved him!!!
Joey says:
dude do you remember moonwalking in the early 80s???
TLKGI says:
hell yeah!!
Joey says:
i remember all of us congregating in the corner of my sixth grade classroom moonwalking
Joey says:
i wore my penny loafers and i thought i was the shit man
Joey says:
and this whole convo is going on my diary lol
TLKGI says:

See what I mean? And then it was followed by us answering questions with lines of Michael Jackson songs......

TLKGI says:
just beat it...just beat it!!!!
Joey says:
show em how funky, strong as the fight (or something) it doesn't matter whose wrong or right just beat it

Then we moved back to talking about our pending camping trip....

TLKGI says:
i say we go out there and camp out right at the entrance route...and yell at people as they drive in...lmao!!
Joey says:
TLKGI says:
this place sux ass!! dont go in!!
Joey says:
no imma stand at the entrance with my clipboard and whistle, flagging everybody down telling them i'm going to be their cruise director and here is a list of all the activities
Joey says:
please meet us up on the poop deck in 30 minutes
TLKGI says:
omg! lmao!!

See?? This is the stuff I miss. Terri and I get together and we are complete insane dorks. I remember one night being at her house and it was like 2 in the morning and there was NOTHING on. She was flipping channels to no avail and we finally decided to watch QVC. Instead of listening to the hosts, WE became the hosts. And we did it in white trash, backwood hick style. Like how the dishes they were selling would match the interior to your trailer house and things of that nature. I know it probably sounds stupid right now, but it was one of those had to be there. And when you are sleep deprived, extremely bored and it's like 2 AM, anything will make you laugh.

Oh God, I better not post anymore, we're talking about other people's tents on fire. I've called it the "torch and run". I'd better end this entry while I'm ahead.

Looks like it's gonna be a long night!!!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!