So long Bo 2005-06-21 12:50 p.m. Yesterday was so packed full of stuff, if it keeps going this way I won't be bored on my vacation at all.

It started out with a protein shake and a phone call from my mom stating she was going to go look at a new agency and make a decision whether my aunt is going to be placed with them. My aunt (her sister) is mentally challenged and it just isn't working where she's at. So we went up there and met some people, took a tour of the place and headed off to one of the houses that has an opening. Mom has some people to talk to and some decisions to make.

As I'm getting home from that Jada calls me. She wants to run to Kearney tonight and go shopping. She has a $10 Old Navy coupon that apparently is burning a hole in her pocket. I say okay and meet her and Karen at her house at 5:30. I walk in and her and Karen are digging through her closet for something to wear. I'm all "ohhhh was this a dress up thing?" because I was in khaki shorts, an Old Navy flag shirt (yes I am also a walking billboard for those nazis) and brown slide sandals. She said no it wasn't, yet Karen had on a nice black blouse with a big white flower, white mini skirt and like 3 inch black wedge sandals. Then I had to remember every event is a dress up event for Karen. Have I ever mentioned I've never seen her in shoes that weren't heels? Last night at Target she looked at flip flops. She doesn't even have a pair. Who doesn't have a pair of flip flops to wear around the house and whatnot? So we took off and went and ate supper at Applebees. We had a really nice supper. And Jada told us a little story about her thinking she had a "dead arm" one morning when she woke up that had us both in stitches and I still laugh when I think about it. You had to hear how she said and had her arm flopping all over the place in Applebees.

From there it was off to Old Navy so she could spend her coupon. I got Cass a $5 flag shirt, we usually get those every year. From there it was the wonderful land of Tar-shay. It's hard to believe I live in a town of 40,000+ and we don't have a Target. And worse yet, we have to drive to a smaller town to go to one. From there on to Super Walmart (which he also don't have....yet.....there are 2 being built here now) and I found a swimming suit for my kamping trip, got stuff to make s'mores (diet? what diet?). We got home around 10:30.

I took out my contacts, which yesterday was the first time in a few weeks I had worn them due to my horrible allergies this year. About 45 minutes later my one eye felt dry and I went in to put some Visine in it when I noticed the grossest thing I've never seen. There was a HUGE bunch of goop protruding out of my eye. Has anybody ever seen that? I was so freaking out, I hate eyes anyway. I tried to get it out but to no avail. By this time it's midnight and I turned off the light and laid down and watched TV. I thought I'd call my eye doctor this morning and have it checked out. By 12:30 it was starting to sting a bit and drain gross god awful stuff. So I decided to go see a doctor and have it looked at. I'm voiced in a lot of medical things. I can engage you in a medical conversation and hang right in there with anybody, even doctors sometimes. But I don't know eyes and I was getting concerned. Apparently it was "normal" and I was having a severe allergic reaction. My other eye was red and irritated by this time but sans goop. So he put that crap in my eyes to look at it under the light to see if I had any cuts or scraped and then flushed out both eyes thoroughly. Meanwhile it's almost 2 AM by the time I get home. I finally settle down to go to sleep and my radio goes off because of thunderstorm warnings in the area. With the way it was moving I knew it was headed my way.

I was awakened at 4:15 AM to pounding rain, extremely loud thunder and rain banging on my windows so hard I thought it sounded similar to the flood we had a few months ago. I got up and checked all my windows because it sounded like they were leaking and I did have issues with it a few months ago.

Joey wasn't sleeping at all. It was probably 5 AM by the time I fell back to sleep. You do the math. I got up very late this morning. I ran to Walgreens to get the eyedrops the doctor (hottie doc btw) recommended I get. When I got home a bit ago I went to feed my fish only to discover I think on of them is dead. I always thought when they died they floated to the top. But Bo is laying on the bottom on his side and he ain't movin. So do I wait until he floats to the top what? How long will that take? Constatine is still alive but not moving around too fast. First plants and now fish. I can't keep anything alive to save my ever lovin soul. After this I sometimes wonder how I've managed to keep my kid alive some days. Thank God she helps out with that.

So I sit here, putting the eyedrops in my beet red eyes hoping they get better before I go kamping tomorrow and wonder when my fish will float to the top so I can take him out. And I've never flushed a fish before and I'll admit, I'm freaked the hell out about it really.

But at least I'm keeping busy right? I guess that's all that matters.

R.I.P. Bo the fish. Hopefully the career of the man you were named after lasts longer than you did. Goodbye Bo.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!