About last night.... 2005-06-25 5:23 p.m. There is something that every child needs to not see. And that is their parent drunk. Unfortunately, many people get to see that on a daily basis. I however, do not.

My mom invited down for karoake last night and I thought what the hell, I'm not doing anything else right? So I show up and go to get a drink and wait for it to begin. This should be interesting.....old people drinking pabst blue ribbon and singing old Frank Sinatra songs. This is better than staying home and watching TV on a Friday night right? Right!

I sit down and yell at the bartender to get me a drink. He just looks at me. It took him a while to register who I was. I haven't seen him in YEARS. We used to be very close friends. And by close I mean we were friends but we got way close back in the day. We worked together, were in school activities together, etc so we basically saw each other 24/7. In that time (high school and when I was just out of high school) we became great friends. He developed feelings for me and I for him. But I was with somebody else and hell, engaged to be married the year I got out of high school (*RME* I know, stupid huh?). One night it all came to a head. Ewww that's kind of a bad analogy, but you know what I mean. He gave me a ride home after work and we sat in his car and talked. He told me he had feelings for me and that it was really difficult for him because I was with somebody else. At the time I was extremely flattered and had some sort of feelings for him also, but was still very loyal to the person I was with. We sat there for a long time and talked. He didn't want me to get out of his car because he knew as soon as I got out, I was gone. I thanked him for being such a great friend and told him I'd miss him (I was moving away) and I went to give him a big hug. He turned his head *I think* to kiss me but I just gave him a hug and got out of the car.

Move forward like 14 years....to last night. I go to order a drink and he looks at me and smiles and says "Geez Joey, I didn't even see you come in. How are you?" I just smiled and told him I was good and it was sure good to see him too. He kept my drinks coming (NO CLUE who was paying for them) and we talked off and on while he worked. He said this is just a part-time job to make a little extra dough....he has a full-time job and also lives on a farm and has been busy with that.

So by this time my mom thinks it would be fun for her to start drinking diet coke and parrot bay. I wasn't too concerned, she'll drink 1 maybe 2 and call it good. For some reason I will never understand, she decided to keep going. And to make matters worse, my 58 y/o mother thought it would be fun to try to keep up with me. She was usually only about half a drink behind me. Which is amazing.

About halfway into the drunk she thinks it would be fun to call my sister and tell her we're drunk and see if she wants to come down for a while to sing some karoake. Well of course my sister is shocked by this news and calls her boyfriend who is on his way home to see if she can go. He says yes.....and take your camera!!!! So she showed up a bit later digital camera in hand. Yes we have drunk pictures of my mom. One word...two syllables....BLACKMAIL!
So by this time I'm knee deep in cherry vodka and coke, singing karoake, talking to Cory and playing those video poker machines. Somewhere, somehow we decided to do a duet. We looked over the duet CD and the one we both knew was "Reunited" by Peaches and Herb. Which is just funny in itself. I thought I was the only 30 something person that knew that song so well. But he did too. And next thing I know we're up there singing it. How hilarious was that? I'm fall down drunk, singing Peaches and Herb with a good friend from high school. Whoda thunk it?

The place is getting ready to close and my mom and stepdad are trying to figure out how they'll get home. (They live just a few blocks down). They decide he'll drive since he's pretty much drunk all the time and is used to doing so. So.....I have no ride home basically. My sister has left and my parents are too drunk to take *me* home. I'm screwed. I could have gone home with my parents and "crashed on their couch" as my mom put it but really, what 33 year old woman wants to crash on their parents' couch after a night of singing and drinking?

So Cory speaks up and says he'll take me home. Okay, I have that covered then. I sit there and wait for them to do their closing stuff. He's worried he's taking too long and keeps coming over and telling me he's almost done and sorry it's taking so long. Finally around 1:30 he says let's go and we go out to his truck. He opens up my door and mumbles something about not knowing I would be riding in there and he had to get some stuff out of the passenger seat. I just laugh and tell him it's no problem. Then he says "You do remember where you live right?" I just laugh. I may be drunk but not THAT drunk. He tells me if I don't we'll just drive around town a few times until I remember. No worries, I know where I live.

So I give him directions to my place and he tells me that he was glad to see me after all those years and that my showing up tonight was the "highlight of his night". He then tells me to come back in some night again when he's working so we can talk again. I told him that would be fine. Doesn't sound like he's there real often so we'll see. We pull into my parking lot and I thank him for the ride and tell him it was nice to see him again and that was that. He took off and I stumbled in my house. I finally passed out a little after 2:00 AM. I fought off the nausea and hit the hay.

Jada picked me up this morning and we had a really nice breakfast, did some shopping and went and saw "Bewitched" at the movie theater. It was really cute. Different than I had expected but cute nonetheless. I like Will Ferrell anyway and will giggle my butt off when he starts in with this funny stuff. Will it be nominated for any Oscars? Not a chance in hell but a fun movie to watch. Take it for what it's worth, a fun movie with lots of scenes from the original Bewitched and Nicole Kidman in a very different role for her and Will Ferrell doing what he does best.

And now I'm sitting here missing my pookie and hoping she gets home real soon. No plans for tonight as of yet. Right now the World Series of Poker is on the Travel Channel so really, what do I need to leave for anyway?

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!