She's back!!! 2005-06-26 9:08 p.m. I am no longer Lobster girl. I am now Reptile woman. That's right, I am now peeling.

My pookie came home today yay!!!! She got home around 1:30 this afternoon. I called her this morning and when she answered the phone I was so excited! As a mother you always worry about your kids and especially with her being in big cities and having to fly and stuff, well, a mother never stops worrying.

She came in and she was all smiles and talked 100 miles an hour. I knew she would though so I was ready for it. She got sad when she asked about the fish and I told her that Bo had passed on to fishy heaven. But I changed the subject and asked her how her trip was and she beamed and started in. Sounds like she had a trip of a lifetime and I am so darn proud of her!

I told her all about my camping trip and she's thinking about maybe doing that for her birthday....inviting a few girls out there for swimming and grilling and that type of thing. We'll see.....who knows. I have a while to think about all of that stuff.

Tomorrow is the big day. The day I go back to work after being off for 10 days. It's going to be pretty tough for me to get to sleep at a decent hour tonight but I'll try. And I know tonight will be rough but I'll get through it. While I did enjoy my vacation immensely, I can also say it's time to get back to the ole routine.

I kind of feel like not only will tomorrow be a new day, be the first day back to work after a long vacation, but also a new day in my life. I have a lot of changes coming up in the next few months. Different hours at work, school, classes and all that goes with that. And I can honestly say that I am ready for every single change. I've drug my feet so much over the years, resisted change even lately, but I can finally say without any doubt in my mind that I am ready.

Bring it on world, bring it on.

And if you want to have a good cry, watch "Operation Homecoming" on TLC. Every homecoming got me crying. Every single one. Unbelieveable how patriotic and hard fighting these men and woman are for our country. When you see their pride, you can't help but feel for them and feel so proud to be an American. No matter how anybody feels about this war, the point is this. Regardless of your opinion, there is a war going on. And thousands upon thousands of men and women are putting their lives on the line for you and me. Period. Even if you disagree with it, support each and every one of their efforts. And if you can't stand behind our troops who every day put their lives in danger, then you get a fucking gun, hop on a plane to the desert and see if you can do better.

*steps off soapbox now*

And with that I will finish this up to go spend a bit with my pookie before it's time to bed. There is no way my ass will be in bed by 11 and sleeping. At all. But I'll give her the ole college try and see which way I end up. Wish me luck.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!