Work hard, play hard 2005-09-12 8:08 p.m. Holy shit batman hard work really does pay off!!!

I took my A&P test this morning and was scared shitless. I got a B+!!! Can you believe that shit? I guess it goes to show that if you study for a test for 15 hours (I wish I was exaggerating but I'm not) you might actually learn something. I wasn't confident after I finished the test at all. I thought I'd be happy with a C even though I was hoping for higher. He graded the tests and gave them back and Holy Mary mother of all things holy I got a B+!!! I was grins from ear to ear. Especially when I saw the girl next to me got a 64% ha ha ha. The class average was like 78% which blew me away. I have now averaged everything up in my class (after tests and homeworks and labs) and I have a B average in the class. I'm so very happy about that.

But.... (and there's always a but)

My lab partner is driving me insane. She's also a nontraditional *cougholdercough* student. She's the one who drives the mini-van (I'm still trying to work through that issue). She is very quiet and seems not very sure of herself (read: doesn't know shit about what we're studying). So when we complete lab assigments together she tries to help (poor thing, she's trying) me and the answers that she is giving are not right. Get it. They are wrong. I try to argue with her and explain why the answer she just gave me is completely insane (like how does the cardiovascular system carry FOOD to the rest of the body??? Last time I checked, that cheeseburger didn't take a ride in any of my blood vessels). So we did this assignment last week and I was arguing with her logic and she was just adamant that she was right. So I let a couple of them go. And I got my stuff back today and HELL TO THE NO I bombed that particular assignment. So now I'm all kinds of freaking out because this chick is my lab partner for the rest of the semester.

Really, just run over me with your mini-van now. I swear to all things chocolate that if she causes me to get a lower grade than a B I will stuff her in the trunk of that soccer mom grocery getter and claim I know nothing about it!

*sigh* Don't you just LOVE it when I'm all dramatic and shit?

Anyway, I'm scared I'm going to get a C in that class because of her and I just can't do it. Everything I've done on my own I've gotten an A or a B on. What does that tell you?

It tells you I need to just put my size 10 foot down and say "Look here soccer mom, I know I'm right on this one and we're putting the right answer here!" But I can't. Because I'm all nonconfrontational like that. I don't want a lab partner. I wanna be by myself. That way if I fuck up on something I have nobody but myself to blame.

Hmmmmmm control freak much Joey?


The Psych test was cake. I am NOT saying all of this stuff to be cocky or anything because I am not. Fact is I studied my ever lovin FAT ass off. Believe me when I tell you that I will get good grades but it's only because I worked my ass off for them. Anyway I was almost done with the first page before he was even finished handing out the tests to the whole class. If I don't get an A on this I'll be shocked. Utterly shocked. I was the first one done with the test and I am in a class with a bunch of young whipper snappers! I can't say that I'm all good like that because I'm not. It just so happens my professor is AWESOME at lecturing and tells us exactly what is on the test. How can you go wrong with that?

School schmool I'm done talking about it now. And done studying for today. I'm taking the night off. Yay! And watching Laguna Beach in about half an hour. Oops did I just say that out loud? I don't watch Laguna Beach, really I don't! *stares at the ceiling and whistles*

We had a wonderful supper tonight (made by chef Jaxon of course) and then I messed around online for a bit and we took a little walk. It was short since it's getting ready to storm and it's really windy and lightening. So it was short but sweet.

And really that's all I can think to say. Because really, didn't I say plenty?

Okay, I'll shut up now.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!