Lots of R&R 2005-09-18 4:09 p.m. Ah, a lovely Sunday afternoon.

Yesterday was like the most relaxing day. Ever.

Got up and showered and we went and did some shopping and just general lazing around and such. Then I started studying and pretty much did that the rest of the night but still it was relaxing. The house was clean, quiet and calmed down. Always the best way to study.

Stayed up way late last night doing stuff online and watching TV. But it was okay, I slept in this morning.

Today has also been relaxing. We had breakfast in bed (she made pancakes, eggs, biscuits and bacon) and then we watched Celebreality TV on VH1 and read the Sunday paper. Absolutely wonderful.

After showering we went back to the grocery store that had everything 60% off. It is going to close tonight. Boy I thought there wasn't much yesterday. There was half that today. The only thing that was still in excess was the makeup and even that area was cleaned out. I did get some more lipstick and lip gloss and some cool nail polish for the Cass. The lip gloss I LOVE. It's Loreal Glam Shine. Buy it if you want something that looks, feels and even tastes wonderful. It's so pretty.

And now I'm studying/writing out notecards/reading/watching the red carpet coverage of the Emmy's on the E! Channel. I'm such a multitasker I know.

Jax did some more in Cassidy's room. She took the canopy that I used to have above my bed (It began to be a pain in the ass) and she put it up in Cassidy's room. It's so simply adorable in there. Her room gets better by the day. Laid out on her bed is all the stuff I bought her this weekend. 3 T-shirts, 3 notebooks and 3 nail polishes (all at 60% off!!!). We got rid of this HUGE wardrobe piece of furniture that she had in her room and rearranged it all like how she wanted it and it's so very cool. And she loves her room more now and spends more time in there.

And for supper I have chicken out, I'm going to do my usual chicken breast thingie, dipping them in egg and flower and cooking them up. It's so good! I'll top it off with mashed potatoes, pasta salad and some green beans. Doesn't that sound like a yummy dinner? I think so!

So with that I'll head on outta here and continue with my Psych and start to read the next chapter. This week studying was a breeze because I don't have any tests tomorrow. I bet I only studied for about 10 hours instead of 20. Impressed huh? Ran into a girl yesterday at the store who is in my A&P class and takes Psych too. She went to class last Monday not knowing there was a test. How did she NOT know? He talked about it plus it was on the syllabus. I mean DUH! I can't even imagine how she did on the test. Here she didn't even know there was a test and I studied 20 hours for them. What's wrong with this picture? She needs to study more. I need to study less. But tough shit I'm not going to. If I can get A's and B's with over studying then that is what I'll do.

Anybody who disagrees can kiss it. Right here. *points to my ass*

Can't wait for the Emmy's tonight. I love this shit. We did the ballots again. The kid will probably win AGAIN like she has for everything else. It sucks! Beginner's luck I guess.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!