Just a big rant, you can skip this entry 2005-09-20 7:08 a.m. I feel like absolute shit. I mean it. Like somebody put my head in a grinder, turned it on and walked away.

I'm starting to get a bit stressed. I mean I had just gotten used to my study schedule, knowing I could pretty much study whenever. Now you have to throw volleyball games into it. Two of them this week. That means Joey isn't studying hardly at all on those nights.

Didn't get home till 8:30 last night from her game. And we hadn't eaten yet (Jax made Cass a grilled cheese sandwich for a snack around 4:30 while I was still at school) so we were all starved. So great, it was 9:00 and we were just finishing supper. I tried to do some Algebra but it just wasn't happening. My allergies are so bad right now I can't seem to function doing anything. So that was out and thus ends night #1 of no studying. Did I mention I have two huge tests again Monday?

And tonight we have yet another VB game but at least this one is much earlier. After that it will be supper and the Big Brother 6 finale. And that doesn't get over till 10:00. See a pattern here? No studying tonight either. And tomorrow I really wanted to take a math test on chapter 3 but that ain't happenin since I won't even be able to get to that tonight either.

Maybe I'd feel better about it if I didn't want to gouge my eyes out, stick knives in my ears and tampons up my nose. Maybe if I felt like my head wasn't going to spontaneously combust I'd have a better outlook on that which is my life. The goddamned frost better be hitting soon, that's for damn sure.

The other part of my problem was I don't think I got enough sleep this last weekend. Usually I can slide through my week having had lots of sleep on the weekend to make up for it. So when I start out the week feeling a little sleep deprived, just count on it going downhill from there.

I know I'm just whining right now and believe me, expect some from time to time. But at least I am learning some things right now, things I will use in my everyday life in the future and they are:

1) Hayfever came directly from the devil.
2) I will never take 3 classes, work full-time and expect to stay sane AND study and get good grades.
3) Never expect to get everything I want.
4) Expect bumps in the road. Go over them gently instead of stopping dead in your tracks. Although you may get there slower than you had anticipated, you'll still get there instead of running out of gas a mile back.
5) Sleep god dammit sleep!

You wanna know something that I think is just TOO cute? Well the Jax doesn't watch TV. Like EVER. Unless she's here because really other than work that's about all there is to do in this here joint. But when she's at home she never turns on the TV. She wouldn't know what the big TV shows are right now or anything. Reality TV? What's that? So anyhoo she came up here and of course I was watching Big Brother 6 and watching live feeds and all of that stuff. I don't think she really got into it much and probably questioned my sanity of why I'd sit online and watch these people do the most boring shit at all hours of the night. Then one day she turned them on while she was working and kept coming up here and telling me what so and so said and stuff like that. Then I got her to watch the TV show (because I did) and next thing I know she knows the people, she's getting into the game and she's strategizing. Then she's watching live feeds on her own, checking out the sites online where I go to get the spoilers and good dirt and stuff. Then she's excited for when the TV show comes on. She's addicted to Big Brother just like me now. She's said that tonight is the last night and wonders what her life will be like post Big Brother. Isn't that just adorably cute? This girl who never watches a lick of TV and even if she would it wouldn't be reality TV at all and she's all excited about the show. I just giggle when I think about it.

Oh I know how to corrupt them, yes I do.

And with that I'm out.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!