PMS party 2005-09-21 1:22 p.m. Ahhhh I can't concentrate and do my job today to save my life.

Cassidy's volleyball game last night was SO good! She served this time (FINALLY!) and she did real good. She didn't get them over the net but I didn't even care. I was just glad she actually did it. And they almost went over the net which is good. Plus she hit like 3 of them over the net which made me EXTREMELY happy. I talked to the coach after the game and thanked her for making Cass stay in the game and serve and play. She's getting better with each game, she really is.

I made a wonderful supper last night of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and biscuits. I am so mad I'm all out of vegetables. I need to hit the store again soon and buy tons of vegetables. We eat them with our meals almost every night.

After supper was cleaned up my friend Jennifer came over to watch the finale of Big Brother with us. She and I were booing during a lot of it. As soon as Jennifer came out I started booing very loud. Little wench. So glad she didn't win the money. I'd hate to have to boycott Big Brother forever. Ah hell, we all know I wouldn't but still. I would have loved to see a cat fight between Jennifer and Janelle. Now that would have been great. I would have hoped that Janelle clawed Jennifer's face off.

Moving on.....

This morning the kid wouldn't get up to save her ever lovin soul. She wasn't having it. About 7:45 or so I find her in her room crying on the bed. She has cramps really bad. I can't hardly be mad about it then, I know how it feels, I have very bad monthly cramps. I gave her some ibuprofen and darn it that girl just was in too much pain. So I tucked her back into bed around 8:00 and told her she didn't have to go to school. I mean usually on the 2nd day of my nunny I want to stay in bed the whole day too. So she went back to sleep and she slept like a log till 10:45. She really was not feeling good and apparently needed some sleep.

So I was sitting here a bit ago completely craving something sweet. Which if you know me, that's not a news flash. I have a huge sweet tooth. After thinking about it for a bit I decided I needed something chocolate chip. We don't really have any sweets in the house so I knew somebody was gonna have to leave and go get something. Well my 2 nunny girls didn't argue with me at all. So Jax went to this store called Eileen's and got me a chocolate chip cookie. I told her what I wanted. I think she about freaked when I told her what I wanted but by God she walked right in there and got me exactly what I asked for.

She came home with a frosted chocolate chip cookie. Not just an oversized cookie like you get at the mall but like the size of a PIZZA. Can you believe that shit? She said the gal offered to write on it but she didn't take her up on it. She said she should have had "PMS Party" on it or something. Fo sho. Apparently I'm getting ready to join the ranks of the other two because I dug into that thing like flies on shit. Oh, that sounded kinda gross huh? Maybe I should picked something a little less disgusting to explain it. Anyway, I ate a piece and enjoyed it. And now I'll have it around for a while to nibble on whenever I get a sweet tooth.

And my god I wonder why I look like I do. It just *might* be due to the fact that I have pizza sized cookies in my house. *rolls eyes*

This hurricane stuff is just pissing me off. Hasn't everybody on the gulf coast gone through enough? I feel so bad for those poor evacuees that left New Orleans to go to Houston and now they are being evacuated again. I bet they are so pissed off they could just spit. One cat 4 was bad enough but another one? I bet half the people involved in the hurricanes move inland and never come back. I know I wouldn't want to if I'd been through 2 devastating hurricanes all within a month. I'd say find me a place to live where it's dry as a bone thankyouverymuch.

Dammit they say the gas prices are going to go up again. That sucks. Ours had just finally gone down to like $2.54 a gallon around here.

I have school tonight again although I won't be taking a test like I wanted to. Just too much to do before I'm ready to test out on that chapter.

That's about all I got, I'm having a sugar coma right now.

May the force be with you.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!