An A-okay day! 2005-09-26 9:37 p.m. Damn no pictures yet. Well shit on a shingle I never get around to doing that stuff. I remember when I had no life and could update this thing 3 times a day if I wanted to.

Well much like 2 weeks ago on a Monday I had my 2 big tests again. It works out pretty much that I'll have tests in those 2 classes every other week. I didn't get as much study time this last week as I did for the other tests, mostly because my week was extremely busy with volleyball games (5 of them just last week) and other extracurricular activities. Hey I gave up some of my life but I can't give up ALL of it ya know? I do need to burn off some steam from time to time. You know how it goes, "All work and no play makes Joey a dull girl". And I'm dull enough, I don't need to add to it.

So I'm going on like 3 hours of sleep here. It sucked ass to get up and shower and get all alert and ready for 2 tests when I'm running on empty. But I went in for my big test in A&P (Anatomy & Physiology - a very tough and time consuming class). I got through it fairly quickly, I thought I did better on this one than the last one. I about passed out cold when I got my test back. I got an A. A 90 to be exact. Slap me and call me Shirley I couldn't believe it. To add to that no lecture today, just a worksheet and I was out of there 1/2 an hour early.

I then came home to take care of the phone cell situation since we were still all without a cell phone and nobody over the weekend to help us. I started out in a good mood and it got better as soon as I walked in the door. Jax had already called them and took care of everything and our phones were turned back on!! Talk about a sigh of relief. I was having major withdrawals!!!

So I rush back for my Psych test. Here's where my day gets interesting. Or icky depending on how you look at it. I finish up the test in record time (2nd or 3rd one done) and I walk out into the hallway to go take a potty break and just as I hit the little girls room I stare straight into the eyes of an ex-boyfriend. (E for those who are in the know) I had heard he went back to school but that was a few years ago and well, he wasn't exactly fond of finishing anything he ever started so I had no clue if he was even still attending or not. And quite frankly, hadn't even thought one second about it or cared. So there he is. He sees me and I give him a half smile and then look away really fast and run for cover in the bathroom. I came out and looked down, avoiding his eyes. I went and sat down on a chair in the hallway and opened my book and started my ass reading. He came walking right past me but didn't say a word. And I didn't even look up. I haven't been face to face with him in like 4 years. And I was okay with that. We didn't really end on bad terms at all. We just kinda ended. Meaning I ended it and just said "here's your apartment key and see ya" and he said okay. No arguments there. I won't go into what made me break it off but yeah I didn't want to see him. Oh well, no acknowledgement on either of our parts and I probably won't run into him again *crosses fingers*

I haven't gotten my official grade yet but it will be an A. Oh yes it will be an A.

I'm finally starting to get some confidence back now. I'm finally starting to feel smart. Because believe me, it took some time to get to that point. I'm starting to come out of my shell at school too and talk to people. I always wonder if people write me off as being snobby or bitchy because I don't talk to them when that isn't the case at all. I'm very shy and somewhat intimidated in situations where I don't know anybody and I'm in a new environment. I blame alot of my personality change on going home to work. While it's cool to work in your sweat pants and be there for your kid every day after school it gets very lonely. I can't wait to be out among patients again. I watched "Grey's Anatomy" last night (Dr. McDreamy yummy yummy yummy) and it got me so psyched to get out into the hospital setting again. I just wanna go now. But I know I have a long time before that will ever happen. Anyway, gave me that little boost that I needed to keep my head in the game if you know what I mean.

Oh and don't you just love ebay with all of your heart and soul? Lookie what I (The Jax) bought for me tonight!

Now that's what I'm talking about baby!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!