Weekend goings on 2005-10-02 3:42 p.m. NEWSFLASH!!!!!!!!!!!

Paris Hilton called off her engagement to Paris whatever-his-last-name was.


Apparently getting married was the hot thing to do this last spring so she jumped on the bandwagon. We all know what's hot right now is getting divorce. You can at least say Paris Hilton always knows what's hot at the moment. Geez I'm shocked! I thought they'd get married and have babies and live happily ever after and grow old together. Again....


This has been a great weekend so far.

Yesterday morning we got up REAL early and went to the parade. It was alot of fun and I have some pics but I'm not at the computer where they are right now. I'll probably do that tomorrow. But it was fun and the weather was gorgeous. Then we ate lunch at BK and took off and had an afternoon of shopping. I mean what's cooler than that?

After that it was studying and then the Jax and I went over to Jada's to watch a movie. We watched "Wedding Date" with Debra Messing and Dermott Mulrooney (spelling??). It was good. It was definitely a romantic comedy, the kind that makes you go awwwww when it's over. My favorite romantic line since "You had me at Hello" was on there last night. He said to her.."I'd rather fight with you then make love to another". Can you say awwwww???? Anyway after it was over we all ran out to Walmart to get some odds and ends and then we dropped them off at Jada's house and went home.

I got some more studying in while Jax talked on the phone with a friend/client of hers. I talked to him a bit too. We all laughed and then it was time for bed.

I was so exhausted I couldn't believe it. I remember laying down and thinking to myself "I'll lay down here for a second then get up and put my PJ's on and turn off the fan and go back to sleep". I swear to God I zonked out as soon as I hit that pillow. I woke up this morning with my fan going, still clothed and my back killing me.

Jax made up the Cinnabon muffins for me that she got at Sam's the other day. They were so yummy. A cinnamon flavored muffin with cinnamon with a crumb type of topping and glaze smothered on top of that. Mmmmmm. Not like the real cinnabons but good nevertheless.

We watched a new TV show on the A&E channel called "Family Forensics". We'd never seen it before. It was very invasive. They send a family on a 2 day vacation while a team of forensic investigators come into the house and dig up everything they can and treat it like a "crime scene" and then figure out what is wrong with the family from all the information they gather. Boy are they dead on. I don't know, it's a bit harsh in my mind what all they do but I think in the end the affects are pretty positive from it. I mean if it brings a family closer together and helps fix problems then it's okay but still.

And now I'm working till 11:30. Cass and Jax are going to the After The Order/Tenth Hour Calling concert at Hastings tonight at 6:00. I'm so damn jealous, I wish I was going. But that's life, you gotta work to pay the bills.

And now I'm going to get back at it. Plenty to keep me busy tonight, that's for sure. I have to film all of my Sunday night shows so I don't miss a second. Sundy night is the only night I sit down and watch like 3-4 hours of TV because I love each and every one of the shows.

With that I'm out like trout.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!