Tom-Kat, B.O. and WTF was I doing? 2005-10-06 6:20 a.m. I'm actually sitting here waiting for some work to come my way, can you believe that? At least I can't feel guilty about doing this when I should be working.

Yesterday was definitely an off day for me. I was just really quiet and just blah. I don't know why, I was just that way.

I went and took the math test. I did okay. Just okay. I knew I wouldn't ace it or anything like that. I always make it harder than it should be. And that's what I did there. I was in a hurry to get out of there for starters and that made me go really fast and not pay attention to what I was doing. UGH.

Got to the concert. I always hate it because these groups are good and I just wish more people would go. I feel bad for those poor boys up there playing and singing their little hearts out and like what? 20 people there? Such a shame.

But there was a group of kids there, I wanna say about 14 or so? They didn't look old enough to drive at all. Well they got all into the band with their clothes and stuff. One girl walked right in front of us (we were in the front row) and she stunk so bad of B.O. that I almost gagged. I mean take a shower more than once a week girl. Her parents were there too. Did they not smell her? I tell ya what if I smell my kid like that I would say something, believe me. And if you don't ask the kid, she'll verify that I would. Those kids were weird to start out with and very annoying. I think they actually cut into my concert going experience. I shouldn't bitch because it was better that these kids were at *this* concert as opposed to, let's say Marilyn Manson but still. You know those glow in the dark bracelets or necklaces you can wear? Well they had little piece of them and they all walked around with them in their mouths. And then they'd fall out of their mouths from time to time and they'd pick them up and put them right back in, after they'd been on the floor stomped on by their B.O. butts. It was so gross. I really do think that hindered my experience. Every time that girl walked by (which was often) I would have to hold my breath or cover my nose. I left that place wondering if I had their B.O. smell all over me. Ewww I'm done talking about it now.

Anyway, for the most part, it was a good concert.

So this morning I think we're going to go to Kohl's at 8 AM because it's the grand opening and they are giving out free tote bags to the first 500 customers and we all know how Jax loves her some free stuff!!! Then it's off to pay my rent (I effin forgot yesterday!) and a meeting at 1:30 and then a game at 4:15 out of town. Do you see how my life is? I just float from one thing to the next, never really contributing 100% in my mind. I know that can't be good but right now I just don't know what to do.

It just seems like something always has to give. It sucks but that's my reality. Just like next Tuesday I have a department meeting from 3-5 that I have to attend because I didn't bother to go to the last 2. So I'll have to go to that meeting instead of to Cassidy's game because, umm, I'd like to have a job but then she's going to be mad at me for not going. Her dad will probably be there and Jax too if she's here and I'll see if grandma can go so she'll have plenty of support. See what I mean? Something always has to give. It sucks. But that's become my life.

I can't remember shit to save my life. I wish I was making that up but I'm not. Like today for instance, it's the 6th and I haven't paid my rent yet. You have till the 5th. Why? Because I forgot. I told myself several times yesterday to run it up there either when I went to pick up Cass from school (which I ended up not doing) or when I got off work. Did I? Nope, I forgot. Anymore, if I don't write it down in my little planner it doesn't get done. Some days I'm surprised to remember to eat. I hope this is temporary because if it isn't I'm going to seriously go crazy.

In other news I turned on my heater last night. MY HEATER! I know it's October and all, but I'm just not ready yet.

And finally.....awwwwww Tom-Kat is pregnant! *rolls eyes* Am I missing something here? Neither one of them have a movie coming out do they? More couches to jump on? More public appearances where they can drool all over each other? I bet that baby was conceived in the green room at Oprah. I mean really. Trent had some funny stuff to say about it. You'll have to go read what he had to say. I can't wait for her to get postpartum depression. Whoa. I mean I don't wish it on her but if she gets it, I can't wait to see what ole Daddy Cruise has to say about it. Katie will be all crying and she'll have to give the baby to the nanny and whine about how depressed she is and she's fat and her boobs are swollen and hurting and she can't cope and daddy Cruise will be all "Awww baby it's okay, it's all in your head! Here! Take these vitamins and go jog a mile, I'm sure you'll feel better! Chemical balance? Nonsense! Eat some carrots and you'll be cured!" Bite me Tom Cruise. YOU give birth to that baby and then see how YOU feel. Until you grow a uterus I think you need to shut the fuck up.


Well lookie there, it seems as though it will be another wonderful day for Joey. Fancy that.

Time to go see if I have any work and if I don't, try to figure out just what I'm going to do until I get some. And while I'm doing that let's all have a moment of silence for Tom-Kat. Poor Katie now she's tied to that guy for life. Two words. Birth control! Or maybe he's against that too?

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!