Beautiful nights 2005-10-14 9:06 p.m. So oh my god I've been a picture taking machine here lately. I don't know why. I go through spurts I think. I'll take a million then not take any for a month or so. Anyway, more pretties.

Last night we picked up one of Cassidy's friends Abby and went out to Eagle Scout Park again and went walking. It was getting dark so we only walked one mile. It was an absolutely gorgeous fall evening. Just a hint of a cool breeze. The sun was going down, the lake was peaceful, I mean it just didn't get any better than that. And I was walking my fat ass off which makes it even better. Anyway here's a pretty sunset pic I took out there last night.

Me and the Cassinator posed for some goofy pictures. Why? I don't know but they were really cute. Here's a few of them.

Weren't those cute?

Tonight Cass went to her first dance I can't wait to hear all about it!!!

Then tonight Jax and I went back to Eagle Scout Park and this time walked 2.10 miles. We were so proud of ourselves and it felt SO GOOD to walk that much and get out. I of course being the new scenery picture taking whore took my camera again tonight and took a few more good pics.

Not too bad for a fat chick with a digital camera who knows nothing about photography huh? I LOVE doing this. I may take it up as a hobby.

So after we were done walking we walked done to the dock that I took a pic of and stood at the end and looked out onto the lake and watched the ducks and such. There was some weirdo creepy looking guy sitting next to the dock in a white minivan. At first he just gawked at us from the van. Then he got out and came down to the dock. We were aware of him the whole time and we kept an eye on him. He came walking down there and stood not too far from us. I don't know what it was about him but he was just creepy. He just kept looking at us and wouldn't say a word. Now I'm not afraid to be in a situation like that because there was 2 of us and one of him so he'd never take us down. I had Jax with me who has beat up more people than I probably even know about so if ever I'm with her I know I'm safe. But we decided to leave the situation anyway and we got the hell out of there. As soon as we walked back up and walked towards my car he came back up too. I don't know, he was just creepy. And I know for sure had I had my kid with me I would have left ASAP.

That's our night so far. I'm very badly due for a shower and she's got a new XBox game to play so that's our Friday night.

Tomorrow night we're having a big dinner and some other things for Terri and her girls. We can't wait to cook a big meal for them. I would tell you about the rest but that bitch Terri reads my diary and I don't want to give away the suprise!!!

*waves* Hi Terri! Sup bra?

Okay, my shower and warm vanilla sugar shower gel from Bath and Body Works beckons me. Yummmmmmmmmy.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!