babies and best buy!!! 2005-10-22 2:02 p.m. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

No marines playing poker. Kevin called back and asked if his buddies could smoke in my house. Oh hell to the no!!! My apartments are nonsmoking. Even if they weren't, I still wouldn't allow it. I'm such a bitch, I know.

So since his buddies couldn't smoke in here they didn't want to come. What a bunch of jerks. God you can go outside and have a smoke if ya need to geez. So anyway, no marines. That sucked.

But we made the most of our night and went and had a really nice supper at the club then hit the mall to do some shopping. See how this is becoming a pattern for us? Cass has been needing a hoody and she's had her eye on one at JCPenney, we were just waiting for it to go on sale. Which it hasn't yet and that sucks. Then we headed over to the new Best Buy in the mall that just opened yesterday. OH.MY.GOD. I don't think people know this but Best Buy is one of my favorite stores. I could get in serious trouble in that store, I promise you that. I almost drooled over the TV's, the car stereos and most importantly, the iPods. I want an iPod so bad I can taste it. I heart Best Buy and I know I'll be back.

Then it was off to Kohl's because the kid only has 2 pairs of jeans that fit her and they had some cute ones on sale. Their clothes are so cute. I'd spend thousands of dollars on myself in there if I could. She found a pair of jeans and 2 shirts that were all on sale. I was going to get her another pair but they didn't have any others in her size that she liked. So we'll have to go back and see if they've restocked next week. The kid can finally wear juniors now. So that means not only bigger jeans, but also bigger prices. She's a size 0. Doesn't that just suck? She looks cute in everything she tries on.

Oh and we talked to our next door neighbor last night while she was working at the mall. She gave us some good news! They are pregnant! She just found out and she's not far along AT ALL. I hope everything works out for them and they have a beautiful healthy baby. I'm very excited! And I told her we're first in line to be babysitters and she said okay! Cassidy is excited too because she's been wanting to babysit forever and this will be a very good start for her. She wants to take those babysitting classes at the YMCA and I told her she could next summer when she's 12. I love babies! It's almost like having one but not really. Meaning I can spoil that baby whenever I want but I don't have to lose sleep! So that was fun news and I told Megan they CANNOT move anytime soon. She said they wouldn't so I hope not.

Tonight it's Happy Hollow with Jada and Karen and the two chicken shits are going to stay home! I can't wait.

Maybe I'll have some spooky stories to tell tomorrow although I highly doubt it. More like hilarious Jada stories and those are the best!!!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!