you deserve a geek today 2005-10-25 7:12 a.m. After a long and fun weekend, I'm back into the swing of things.

Sooooooooo....the big test with like 200 bones/parts that I've been studying for for 3 weeks now? Pud. I couldn't believe it. There were only 75 questions on the test. Bones were set up at stations and we had 30 seconds at each station where we had to answer 3 questions on each bone such as name the bone and 2 other questions. I was done in like 20 minutes. Then I went home extremely early. I don't think I got a 100% by any means but I'm hoping for an A!! Oh and I am half a point from getting an A in that class!! AHHHHHHHH just give me the A already. It's okay, I got plenty of time left to bring it up. Or down, depending on how hard the rest of the semester is.

My computer came back yesterda from HP. YAY! YAY! YAY! Until we found out they wiped out my entire hard drive and sent it back new just like I had bought it. It's sorta cool because now it's like a new computer! New motherboard and such.

So bye bye term paper outline, references, and abstract! I'll miss you. Bye bye illegally legally downloaded music and movies. I miss you already. Goodbye digital camera pictures, thank God I'm flickr's bitch. RIP everything that was on my hard drive.

I know people are asking why I didn't save all of that stuff to a CD or something so I didn't lose it all? Well, I didn't because when your video card and motherboard decide to take a dump, they don't give you 10 minutes to back up your system. It just peters out and you're screwed, basically. But it's all good, it's not like I had important CIA information or the formula to cure cancer or anything on there so I can deal. However, I'm in the process of getting my term paper written, rough draft due in 2 weeks. You can bet your mama's clear stripper heels I'll have a backup copy of it, just in case this happens again. Which if it did, HP builds sucky ass computers and never buy one.

So I also got to talking to the geek/nerd in my class, the guy who has like probably a 150 in the class. I figured out we work for the same employer. I kind of figured when he said he was a physicist and my theory was confirmed the day he came to class wearing a name tag from our employer. Why do people do that? Anyway.....

So we got to talking and I befriended the nerd. Why? Because everybody needs at least one nerd in their life. They are smarter than we are. Surely their knowledge may come in handy on those days when you are feeling all of your brain cells jumped out of your head and bitch slapped you. It's because of nerds we exist and cohabitate. I wouldn't even be updating this thing if it weren't for a few giant nerds like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. So while you're at work today or on the subway or in the grocery store hug a nerd. They have feelings too. And giant brains full of smart mathey and sciencey type of knowledge you may need to acquire from them.

Got a 97 on my last psych test. Ohhhhhhh and bimbo transferred to my class. She came up to me in A&P and told me she's transferring to my class so that she can go to school on the same day and I don't blame her. So she showed up and sat next to me and I felt all popular and stuff (do the teenage valley girl accent there) and we sat and BS'd and laughed. I like bimbo, I really do. She's very nice. She's nowhere even in the same solar system as a nerd but she's very nice and she talks to me so that's cool too. Because I'm the quiet girl most of the time in my classes. I know that doesn't even make sense because if you get to know me I'm a fat, obnoxious loud mouth but you get the picture. Bimbo didn't even take the last test and laughed when he passed them out. I wonder if she'll even take it? I have no idea. I don't know how people do that. And I found out I may be the only person in that entire class who takes notes fast and furious and goes through an entire highlighter in one class and writes down his every word. God I think *I'm* the psychology class nerd. I don't care though. Those young bitches don't have a 99 average in that class I bet!

Go hug a geek! You'll thank me!!!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!