Oh yes it's ladies night 2005-11-13 5:40 p.m. Once again, see the new pictures I uploaded to flickr because I'm way to lazy to upload them to two places or upload them there and then link them here. You know, because I'm lazy like that. I always do a great job putting captions on there so you get the gist.

My night started out by showing up at the bowling alley to do a little cosmic bowling combined with a few drinky drinks just to get the blood flowin. I got there and found Jada and Karen in the bar sipping on a drink waiting for me to get there. I walk in and there is my friend Jeff who I saw a few months ago for the first time in, god I don't know, years. So we shot the shit with him for a while, found out every Saturday night is Ladies Night which translates to $1 drinks (are you kidding me?!?!) and took off on our merry way into the alley itself to do some bowling.

We wait in line for what seems forfrickenever only to have the lady tell us there were no lanes that were open. Are you KIDDING me???? With the look of disappointment on our faces, money hanging from our fingers and drinks in the other, we put our tails between our legs and headed back to the bar. But now we've saved ourselves $7, which means like 7 more drinks right?

We sit down and there is karaoke going on hardcore. And it's not just drunk rednecks either. It's grandpa and grandma hanging out singing Johnny Cash, old stuff from God knows when and a really bad rendition of "The Rose" by Bette Midler. I figured if I got a few in me I'd go up there and butcher a song, why the heck not?

So Jeff decides to get us started and buys us girls a shot. He wouldn't tell us what was in it and we didn't get to pick what we wanted, I mean whoever pays for it kinda decides that. We watched him grab numerous bottles and got instantly afraid. After tasting something that was just this side of toxic, he told us it was called Devil's Blood. Jagermeister, Jack Daniels and grenadine. First of all, grenadine? Those shows were neither red nor were they sweet AT ALL. So I'm thinking the grenadine amount was miniscule. Oh well, a free shot is a free shot I always say.

I finally got up there and completely butchered a Dixie Chicks song. Why must we drink and sing? Why do we think we did a good job? Who the hell knows. It's one step below drunk dialing in my mind (Which Jada partook in).

So many many drinks, a few more shots later and butchering another Dixie Chicks song with my sister and then singing "Jose Cuervo" with a bunch of women I had not ever met prior to last night. Amazing how alcohol and karaoke will bond you with strangers isn't it?

1:00 AM, time to close and Joey couldn't drive if her life depended on it. I don't live very far from the bowling at all but there was NO WAY I could drive anywhere. So I got a ride home. As I laid down the room was spinning. How I managed to get my face washed and teeth brushed I'll never know. After laying awake for what seemed like forever, I finally fell asleep.

And thus ends another fun night with my girls. Jada drunk dialed, did unmentionable things with her beer bottle, and tried to dance on the bar. I got plastered (9 drinks and 3 shots anyone?) sang bad karaoke and just generally acted annoying. My sister is always chill when she's drinking and Karen was pretty chill too.

There ya have it, my night in a nutshell.

I've been trying to study all day and take quizzes to see my progress and right now it's sucking hardcore. So I need to figure out supper then hit the books again because It's going to be a long night.

Before I go, do you like the little logo Trent sent me? I read his blog religiously every day and I emailed him asking for a way to link his blog to my front page and this is what he sent. Cool huh?

No go check it out!

Wish me luck tomorrow, I will need it more than ever.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!