a close call 2005-11-16 2:20 p.m. I haven't written about my mom's best friend. They have been friends since she babysat my mom when she was 5 years old. That's like almost 55 years! So she has been a part of my life, my whole life. She used to babysit my sister and I and loved to get us little purses and dresses since she never had any daughters. Pretty much anywhere you see my mom, you see her. My stepdad and her have an *interesting* relationship, it most consists of her giving him lots of shit and him giving it right back. She stuck with my mom through 3 husbands can you believe that?

Anyway a while back she was having some issues and had a CT scan and they found a lung nodule. She went in and had the whole thing removed, along with a part of her lung lobe. It came back malignant. I think we were all upset about this. I mean my mom already lost a good friend to lung cancer like 3 or 4 years ago so this was not good news and I didn't think my mom could handle it. She isn't doing that great yet from surgery, she's still in ICU with a collapsed lung they just can't seem to get to go back up. Regardless, we just found out that the cancer had not spread. The lymph nodes were negative thank God. So I haven't talked to my mom to know where they go from here but whatever they do I hope it isn't too bad on her.

My poor mom, what she must be going through. This is like a nightmare to relive all over again. But this time it's WAY more personal.

I know that people get older and they get sick and die and such, but this one would be very hard on our family. She's like a second mother to me. Always hip to hip with my mom.

And I used to have a huge crush on her son when he used to babysit me when I was little. There's one particular story about it that still gets told to this day. It's funny really. Now I think he's a sleazebag but that's just my opinion. As long as he treats his mama right, that's all that matters. And it sounds like he's taking it hard too.

Gotta pick up the kid in less than on hour so I'd better get back to work here.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!