chuck roast 2005-11-18 7:07 a.m. As mentioned yesterday I made my first ever pot roast. Can you believe that? 33 years on this earth and I had never made one before. The funny thing is I'm not even sure if that's what you call it. It called for a pot roast but I didn't find any roasty type of meat that said "pot roast" on it. I don't know if I was expecting to find a pot roast section in the meat department or what. So I looked through what was there, my god I can't believe all the different kinds to pick from....ass roast, chuck roast, arm roast, back roast....personally I went with the chuck roast. I didn't want to eat any type of roast that had a body part in the name. So in went ole Chuckie and the wonderfully dehydrated vegetables and unknown sauce mix. It smelled my house up SO good my mouth was watering all day and I couldn't wait to eat it last night.

In the midst of picking up the kid from school my mom called. She had a letter for Cass from my niece and wanted us to stop over and get it. I asked her if she saw Dr. Phil and she said no, she had missed it. I told her what it was about and she was mad she missed it. I told her that's okay I had it on my DVR if she wanted to come over and watch it. It was so cute. She goes....."Oh, you have it on your DVR. Okay. What's a DVR?" I explained the ins and outs of it and invited her and Emmy Lou over for supper and Dr. Phil.

I don't think mom was impressed with the pot roast. She told me to get a less fatty roast next time. She ate it and smiled but I don't know if she really liked it. I liked it alot. She just needs to realize that I will never cook as well as her. She really needs to lower her standards when it comes to my cooking. But either way it was good I thought and I'm looking forward to left overs today. Yeah maybe I'm the only one who will eat them and maybe I'll be eating them for the next week but I don't care. A big fat chuck roast and Dr. Phil. Fitting combination don't you think?

Since I don't have a great deal of studying to do this week I turned on the TV. Cass wanted to know what I wanted to watch. I have no clue what's even on Thursday nights on TV so I said whatever. I ended up watching Martha Stewart's "Apprentice". What a crock. All they did was take out Donald Trump and replace him with Martha Stewart. Big effin whoop. If I wanted to watch the REAL Apprentice I would have. Whatever. It was something to do I guess.

I was in bed by 10:00 on the spot. Got back up around 10:40 to pop some Tylenol because I had a headache in the back of my head that just wouldn't go away.

And Cass just came over here after getting up and sat down on my lap and said something to me that the way she said it and the look on her face was exactly like her father. *shudders*

hi ho hi ho it's back to work I go.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!