new friends and fun with old friends 2005-11-19 11:12 p.m. I met me a new Diarylander today! *waves* Hi Bec!!! I stumbled upon her diary quite by chance and found out she lives about 20-30 minutes away from me. Here I thought I was the only nut in the tri-city area who had a diary here. Well not really, another friend of mine has a diary but I mean somebody we don't even know!

The kid and I kicked some housecleaning butt today. I was so proud of that kid, she dug right in there and did some good old fashioned work. And look, it didn't even kill her!!!

I met a neighbor's friend tonight. I was outside and he was out there with his yellow lab allowing him to relieve himself in the patch of grass over by my apartment. We got to talking. He's a friend of Shane's, the cutie that lives in my building. I talked to Shane last night, when we delivered the food to him that he ordered from Cass. The friend introduced himself to me, his name is Paul. We stood and chatted for a while. He said he couldn't believe how nice everybody was in this building. I tell ya what, it's so nice to know everybody. The neighbor lady upstairs just got out of the hospital after a week for food poisoning she said. Poor thing. Yep I get all the gossip! But I believe that if you know everyone and you are nice to all of them, there's less chance of your stuff getting stolen or any shady activity going on our here because your neighbors will always keep an eye on you. But boy Bigwood I don't know what he's been up to lately. He's been causing lots of noise. The other night when I was *trying* to sleep he kept dropping something, I swear to God it sounded like a bowling ball or something. It was THAT loud. That's cool and all, but not at 11:30 on a week night. Oh well, I'm sure I've been loud too. Last time I talked to Megan her jobs weren't going good. I hope she's worked that out, she's pregnant and I think needs the money. Boy I just know everyone huh? lol

There's been A LOT of drama going on in my life lately but I choose not to vent it out or even speak of it here, I have another diary for that lol. A diary that I might add nobody else has access to or knows about but me so it's all good. Because I wouldn't want anybody thinking I fill it full of lies and stories and then allow others to feed from it. It's just for me. I need to vent and sometimes I need to do that to feel better. Oh, and white cake helps with that too lol.

I haven't had a piece of white cake though yet today which surprised me. Probably tomorrow. I'm sure it had something to do with the chocolate chip cookies I baked tonight lol

Jada called me tonight, her and Karen got back from their annual Christmas shopping trip to Omaha. Sounds like they had a lot of fun. They asked me to go but I have Cass this weekend and even if I didn't, I am broke as a joke and I wouldn't have even been able to buy one thing. So it was a good thing I didn't go.

I'm not going to Racine for Thanksgiving next week. But it's okay, because once again, I wouldn't be able to afford to go. AT ALL. I have enough money to last me for 2 weeks to get some groceries and gas and a few incidentals and that's it. Things right now are extremely tight and they are going to be for quite a while. That's the way life is sometimes. You win some, you lose some.

But I am planning on taking a trip with my girls to Vegas I think in May or June, pretty much after we all get our income tax money back. I knew I wanted to take a little bit of it and go on a trip, I just wasn't sure where. Well that decision was made for me when Vegas was suggested. Neither Jada or Karen have been there. My sister has and I'm not sure about Jane. 5 girls in Vegas can you imagine? Karen is thinking she'll be broke so she's not sure if she can go. Jada wasn't too disappointed. I guess she's no fun to be on a trip with but I've never been on a big trip with her so I wouldn't know. She's the kind of girl who goes on vacation and wants to just chill and read a book. Well that may be cool by a lake in Minnesota but Vegas? Come on! We're going to be wild and drunk and yeah, I'm sure we'll gamble some too. I mean who can go to Vegas and NOT gamble? I like to gamble a bit but I don't spend the entire time gambling, no. There's too much to do and see! So anyway that is kind of the plan right now but you know how that goes, you plan something and then life gets in the way. But I do really need a big fun vacation with my girls. My life for the last few years has been living hell and I just need to leave it all behind for a bit.

Plans, plans plans. So fun to think about. But right now what I need is to get laid. Maybe that will take some stress off this ole body. Who knows. A girl can always dream right?

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!