the eve of turkey day 2005-11-23 7:19 p.m. Happy Thanksgiving Eve!!!

My T.E. is full of....well, nothing really. Picked up the house, made supper, you know, the usual. I wish I could say I have all these big plans but I don't. And I don't have to cook a damn thing tomorrow. Isn't that just pure heaven?

So I've been posting on this forum board. My brother actually told me about it, he posts there. He wanted me to go there and read some stuff, he also wanted me to try to figure out which member he was. Well that was TOO obvious. When you fill in the "location" field with where you live and your "occupation" field with exactly what you do, it's not too hard to figure it out.

Anyway, apparently my appearance on this forum board is causing quite a stir. It's mainly a sports board. Which would make sense since my brother is a huge sports fanatic. As soon as I appeared they were all asking questions about me in some private forum. My brother told them to be nice, as he knew this girl lol. Ever since then they've been asking him tons of questions about me I guess. We had been emailing back and forth all day about it and then he told me to call his cell phone and we had a good laugh about it. He said they were all interested in what I was going to post in the football forum. I told him uhhhhhhh they'll all be waiting for a very long time because I'd actually have to *watch* football to be able to contribute. I PM'd off and on with somebody my brother knows. He's a fan of the Jim Rome show and other stuff. My brother said he's met a lot of these guys before at football games and that they are pretty cool guys. I told him I had no problem with talking to them and contributing to this particular site just as long as nothing inappropriate starts to happen, i.e. they start hitting on me, asking personal questions or making sexual statements. That's just not cool. So I know that with my big brother there they'll play nice ha ha ha.

So I went to the doctor today for my female issues and she's going to start with my hormone levels. Maybe they are out of whack. So she put me on the pill for 3 months and we are going to go from there. She hopes it will straighten itself out and then we'll be okay. I hope so because step #2 is an up the kitty ultrasound and a visit to my Gyno which I *really* don't want to do but I'd go if I had to.

I spilled Diet Coke on my keyboard today like the moron that I am and boy is that thing a mess. I tried to clean it as best as I could immediately but you can't get every drop. So I switched keyboards. Good thing keyboards aren't that expensive, I'll just go get a cheapie one when I have the money.

Cass had her friend Abby spend the night last night and those girls kept me up all night. I wanted to ring both their necks this morning as they slept in till 10:30 and I had to be up at 5:30. It just isn't fair man. But they had a great time and that is what mattered. And Cass did a good job cleaning everything up after she left. She's doing SO MUCH better with stuff because I've started cracking down on her hardcore and actually meaning it. She made some comment the other night about "yeah and you can be mean and mean it!" and I just smiled because I knew that what I was doing was effective and that she would soon curtail her activities. And she's done really well. All it took was a few days of knowing mom was really serious about punishment and she wasn't going to back out of it and boom, behavior improved. Weird parenting concept huh?

I know this sounds cliche and all but I can't believe the holidays are upon us. I mean REALLY, where did this year go? It truly seems like it should still be summer. My fall was just all outta whack and I feel like it all just skipped on by me. Pretty soon there will be snow on the ground and Christmas carols. It's absolutely unbelieveable to me.

So I hope everybody has a great turkey day tomorrow and eats lots of yummy food, passes out with a smile on their face and watches lots of TV. That's what it's all about right?

Gobble gobble!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!